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1  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: different virri on: November 28, 2008, 09:47:44 AM
Yeah!  And we should have some viruses that you can install to get money too!  In case you didn't get that...  We already have such virii...  They're called "malware logic bombs". reading the game guide is recommended.

Edit:  If you didn't understand what I was trying to say, please highlight the message and try again.
2  General Category / HP History / Re: Zombie-Fest. V1 Rev out, start activation of revelations. on: November 19, 2008, 05:04:51 AM
That they got it that close is pretty amazing, actually. Takes quite a bit of planning and a decent knowledge of the game's mechanics.
Not really...  They had something like 60 v0.1 logic bombs on that server...  It would seem that they basically just installed all of them, bought the 2.4, and then fired them off one-by-one until it got down around v1
3  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Delete Servers on: November 12, 2008, 09:49:41 PM
I've sort of been ignoring this until now...  But if one deleted a virii farm, their power would go down, not up...  Viruses installed don't affect your power at all...  The hardware increases your power.  Losing the hardware would lower your power...

-VBs take a while to work, and if you can track through IP changes, you are abusing a bug...  So basically everybody would have an equal chance to VB.
-Upon converting to an NPC server, 3/4 of the virii on the server would generate missions...  This is the part, if any, that would be abusable...  The massive amount of cash one can suddenly make available through disinfect missions.
4  General Category / HP History / Re: New #1 on: November 03, 2008, 06:01:42 PM
Strange.. Since I saw you uploading that Firewall Bypass to the SGP Repository I think.
Eh?  I've yet to transfer it anywhere...  Does this mean I am in fact the only one?
5  General Category / HP History / Re: New #1 on: November 03, 2008, 11:48:33 AM
Several SGP servers have software named:

Firewall Bypass     Donn ~ Firewall Bypass     201.7     75.64 Gb
Password Break     Donn ~ Password Break     201.7     171.37 Gb
Several?...  I thought I was the only one 2.

I feel so much less special now.
6  General Category / HP History / Re: e#single/doubledigits on: November 02, 2008, 10:57:33 PM
Nah, there have been controversial updates ever since the second month or so. Actually, when did HP launch, last June? I remember the first controversial update I saw was the introduction of the Virus Breaker in July, then the big AP update near the end of July, the virii collection counter in August, and now Revelation. There might be some others I missed too.
Don't forget the creation of the software store...  But my point still stands, but double-digit ids were gone in a day or two, so it still took a while until they came seemingly.
7  General Category / HP History / Re: e#single/doubledigits on: November 02, 2008, 09:17:56 PM
Pah, they had a few good months before any updates even started!  laugh
There were always updates, the game was fairly basic when it started, the original updates were just a bit less controversial.
8  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: power research update on: November 02, 2008, 12:37:13 PM
Reading comprehension ftw!

Among game developers, MMORPG designers in particular are especially likely to nerf aspects of a game in order to maintain game balance.

If I were to say:
Among criminals, serial killers in particular are especially likely to murder people for personal pleasure.
Would that mean that murder is the act of seeking personal pleasure?...

Or would it just mean that it is a motivation present in some who murder, that may not actually be granted in all cases where that motivation is present?
9  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Trojans on: November 02, 2008, 10:09:21 AM
Wouldn't people notice if the password breaker they just ran took up bw?  Do you mean it would just take up the extra CPU and  RAM for the install portion and then the bw when the install is finished or something?
It would take the bandwidth, and it would be possible to notice, the feature wouldn't be godmode...  But every now and then, people wouldn't notice, or wouldn't think it important enough to avoid.
10  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: power research update on: November 02, 2008, 10:02:25 AM
I wouldn't mind the buff to malware. Makes PvP a bit more exciting. Rev on the other hand... Well heck maybe I will like the new round if it ever comes.
The thing about malware is, let's say I spend every single point of my daily AP on a farm, and then invest every single HPD I get from profits from that farm in a research server, and this continues for 100 days...  This isn't exactly an easy task mind you....

Okay, now let's say after these 100 days, I decide to take a break from HP for a two days...  A good revelation could undo the last 30 days of gains on that farm..  If I am unlucky enough to have bandwidth on that server, which becomes more necessary as file sizes researched grows, a good overload bomb could drop me down to where I was before those 100 days even started...  Being able to undo 100 days work that quickly, when that work is the only way for the game to progress, is a bit excessive.
11  General Category / HP History / Re: e#single/doubledigits on: November 01, 2008, 07:11:22 PM
lol, apparently I've yet to read the login page...  Interesting.
12  Hacker Project CafĂ© / Whatever / Re: How do Intergrated Circuits work? on: November 01, 2008, 06:40:23 PM
Okay, I am talking about processors, such as for Computers. They contain millions if not billions of transistors which can either have a value of 1 or 0 to process data. What I want to know is how energy going in, changes the transistors value to either open (0) or closed (1) and leaves.

That is all I would like to know
Well, to start off, you seem a little mistaken about what a transistor is.  A transistor is essentially a sort of switch that has three inputs, and one output.  Basically, there is an input voltage, and an input that, when applied allows voltage to flow from this input to the output.  In theory, just about any device that can be used to switch current flow on and off could form a computer.  It would be possible to build a computer that operates entirely based upon robotic arms and light switches (though this would be mindblowingly slow).  Likewise, vacuum tubes, and relays, other types of switches have been used in the past to form computers before we had the technology to form transistors reliably.

It is networks of these transistors that allow data to be processed, these networks, when given a certain combination of input, will flip certain switches such that there is a certain output based upon that input.  The next level of abstraction up, based upon these transistors, is a logic gate.  A logic gate is a circuit that takes two inputs and has one output depending upon what those inputs are.  There is a sort of logic gate for every combination of outputs and inputs, and these can be used to do things like add single binary digits.

Let's say, for example, we have two inputs, and we want to add them.  Well, we know to carry the result over to the next highest digit if, and only if, both these inputs are on.  So we use an AND gate, which will output 1 if it receives 2 1's as input.  Likewise, for the result of the digit itself, we want to output 1 if one of the two inputs is a 1, but not both.  For this, we would use an exclusive or gate. 

Wider networks of these logic gates allow computers to do the various computations they do, as well as temporarily store some data to operate on.
13  General Category / HP History / Re: e#single/doubledigits on: November 01, 2008, 06:01:17 PM
Test mailed me in game not long ago, indicating that he is still around, I think he is #2.

Edit:  I went to look at the mail, and noticed that he is online right now:
     test (#2)     1     ONLINE     11.425
14  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Change to the amount upgraded on: November 01, 2008, 02:34:22 PM
I sort of like the current ratio because it is about the average of the ratios used by most software.  Firewall protects, password breaks, and undeleters relate to it particularly well, such that when a program is going to require 1 point in CPU (50 MHz) it requires about 1 point in Mem (3,072 Kb).
15  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Attempt to add a more dynamic situation to the progress of hardware on: November 01, 2008, 02:28:00 PM
Well, the only real reason that this would affect anyone would be for research servers.  For most other purposes, you could distribute yourself among several servers with lower-end hardware.
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