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106  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / NO CAPTCHAs!!!!! ...please on: October 04, 2012, 02:52:41 PM
I absolutely hate CAPTCHAs!!!

I've left sooo many games bc I'm sick of those things randomly in my way, it pisses me off!

a simple google search and have found many ways around CAPTCHA

maybe if you integrated it into the game so that it is functional and benefits the player in some voting, you can win stuff if you complete the CAPTCHA successfully (or a certain amount or whatever)

and the CAPTCHA should be something like what it was like to register on this forum (a jigsaw puzzle) or something similiar
...or make it a picture that is difficult to read (something about OCR) that has numbers and a math symbol that needs to be solved

apparently if it's not an image, then it's too easy for hackers to bypass (i.e. if it is just like the text that I am writing now, they can just copy/cut and paste or whatever)

but ultimately, from what I have read, there seems to always be a way around
107  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Remote Attack Disruptor on: October 04, 2012, 02:32:03 PM
Software types: "Started on a remote attack process, it will disrupt the attack and kill the attacking process."

Game Guide 2.0: "This handy program may prevent a remote attack once it is detected. (Need help with this one.)"

as far as I can tell, you have to access the server to kill the process attacking you
see, I thought that if you just have this program in Running Software then it will protect you (just like a Firewall/Password Protect)

my suggestion: Remote Attack Protect
if you can RAP good enough, then you shouldn't beable to MOB by any other playerss (...or MLB)
108  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / new software types on: October 04, 2012, 02:21:46 PM
compressed files would be unusable and, if a player has a compressor of a high enough version, they can use their Password Protect in the compression process...then to uncompress the file, a player would be required to break it's password first (so it would be a [Password Protected] files untile broken, and then it would change to a [Compressed] file)
*higher version, will not compress by a greater can only compress a file if the compressor is of the same or greater version
*there could be multiple types (one released by each faction) or maybe it would depend on which faction you where with and how much AbP you put towards the ability to depend on how much perctentages it will compresses by (say a maximum percentage of compression by 25%-50%)
maybe Password Protected files could be a new feature in itself...

this already exists, it would just be expanding the capabilities/functionality of Password Protect

TRACKABLE SOFTWARE VIRUS (backdoor/trojan/andidunnowhatimtalkingaboutherelol)
so that if somebody steals it from you, then when they run it, you will get an email sent from the tracker embedded/encoded into the running software
*this would mean that we would need email functionality...say if the software was made trackable on a server, and you are using email-hosting software (another suggestion in itself) on said server, then the email would be sent to that server saying what IP it's transmitting from
and also gets an Anti-Virus version aswell so to make it untrackable (but only if version higher enough)

so same as the Password Protected Files one, it already exists in the form of Hide Files (just expanding it)
"Hide Process"
- would simply hide the process...maybe just by 0.2 or something (just like the cap on files is 0.2 above it's own level)
"Hide Properties"
- would hide *all* tags like:
[Password Protected]
you could also use it to hide process properties (not just file properties)...possibly even the time to complete (useful for missions)
*of course the Unhide Files should be made to reveal all hidden
*but now I'm thinking it should be that if a process is being hidden then there should be a hiding process running in it's place, or something...
*and if hiding a property, it will be replaced with [property hidden]? no I'm not sure about this one...

when used, it will show a list of logs on selected server chosen (IP must have admin access) and will say if it was modified/deleted or not...would also say if it is new player protected (but only if it was changed)
higher version = higher number of logs detected (in order from newest to oldest) 0.1 will show the first log, 0.2 will show the first two logs...or maybe with every "whole number" version it will detect a page of logs - so 1.0 will show page 1 and 2.0 will show 2nd page
OR it could be that higher version will detect in order of time...
*any logs that show up as to be modified, then they will be given the "log id" for them logs

doesn't kill the downloading process
gives chance (version dependant) to change the download process' bandwidth (thereby giving them a chance to beabel to get to use some of the bandwidth freed up by this)
there should be a maximum amount of times a Download Process Disruptor can be used on aech downloads process

encryptin keys so that you can crackit
109  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: pranks on: October 04, 2012, 05:26:06 AM
okay, so maybe they only work on one files at a time (or maybe two if it involves trading places)

but I think if you research it enough (and it should be dependent on your more power you have, more research required) then they should be able to work on multiple (more than one) files at a time

...of course you could just make multiple (more than one) instances of that the prankware inorder for all files to be pranked upon
110  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / pranks on: October 04, 2012, 05:22:13 AM
make new virii that mess with players server (imma name it prankware so I have something to work with here)

one type of prankware would rename, with a custom message, all files on a server that are of equal or lesser version than itself (time it takes should become less with higher version but with limit, say ~1hour)

another one could be used to scramble/switch the names of all files on a server that are of equal or lesser version than itself

another type of prankware would change/scramble/switch the #ID of the files of equal or lesser version than itself (this would mess up any process involving that file to have its original #ID, and so resulting in system error)

another prankware, "Fragmenter", would scramble/switch the order files are shown under "Files / Programs" (from the Gateway)
an anti-prankware AV for this would be "Defragmenter" to correct the order again

another prankware could be used to scramble/switch the order processes are shown under "Running Software" (from the Gateway)

these should be able to be used remotely (not have to be installed on host)
111  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Grupo Competitions on: October 04, 2012, 04:58:46 AM
say, for the highest contributor (in HPD towards the group) the Group awards that player AP/AbP/Standing/PvP-points/or something (based on the power level of the group OR maybe it's rank against all other groups depends on the quantity of whatever is in the
112  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / integrate the forum into the main game on: October 04, 2012, 04:51:34 AM
so that if you have an game account then when you click on the forum link in the main menu you will automatically have been logged into the forum under that account name (I didn't want to have to create an separate account on here but Support rarely replies to my messages)
113  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / HP wiki on: October 04, 2012, 04:44:50 AM
not much else to say...  12

just think of all the possibilities!
- editable/manageable Game Guides
- imma think of something else to put here later...
114  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / make so we can sell software to the "Anonymous software dealer" on: October 04, 2012, 04:39:46 AM
we "transfer" a files to the dealer (not just upload where we also get to keep the file being sent)

so if we want to keep the software we selling, then we have to copy it before hand (cannot have any processes running that involve the file being sold)

can only sell one file at a time, and there should be a maximum bandwidth that can be used by each player...say 100 for regular player and 250 for Gold Member


make it so we can only sell the same version for each software type only once...and if someone beats everybody to it, then nobody else can sell that same version of that same software type anymore


...something else
when we "steal" from another player and that software type/version becomes available from the "Anonymous software dealer", then whenever another player pays for that software, the player who originally first stole that software version/type (thereby making it available for the "Anonymous software dealer" to sell in the first place) will get a % of the profits

I think if we make it available to the "Anonymous software dealer" then we should receive something for our efforts to steal it in the first place
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