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46  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Process masking on: August 17, 2008, 11:11:58 AM
To make HJ happy:

Suggestion: A new program type that masks the name/type of a running process
Description: With this new program, people would be able to mask a process, so instead of giving a name/file type, it would read something like "Unknown Process." Actual programs like this do exist. The cpu/mem/hdd/BW would still be displayed. Depending on the following discussion, this could/could not lock the process from being killed (I assume people will veto this because of the power/potential abuse issues). If the process isn't locked, I propose that the version doesn't cap according to level, since it causes no harm. If it DOES lock the process, it should be tied to file version - that way low players only need a low unmasker, while high players would need to research accordingly. See? Balance.

Players most positively affected by this update (Virii Infectors, Newbies, Etc):
Infectors/disinfectors/anyone who runs processes on a remote gateway

List THREE reasons why these types of players would be positively affected by this update:
1: Infectors could mask their virii, making it more difficult to disinfect
2: Disinfectors could mask their processes, potentially fooling infectors from hunting them
3: Anyone downloading/uploading/deleting could ask mask the process to avoid suspicion

Players most negatively affected by this update (Virii Infectors, Newbies, Etc):
Passive players, those who are too broke to research another file

List THREE reasons why these types of players would be negatively affected by this update:
1: Very casual players might be put-off by the fact that they can't instantly see all processes
2: These same players might not want to take the time to get another file-type
3: If players are very poor, another research might not be possible. Easily fixable by generous players

List as many reasons you can as to why this suggestion should be implemented (Minimum of 2):
1: Gives the game more of a real "hackerish" feel
2: Allows players to feel more sneaky-like
3: Generally awesome

List as many reasons you can as to why this suggestion should NOT be implemented:
1: You would have to code it. Sorry!
47  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: New virii on: August 17, 2008, 10:59:42 AM
How about calling it a keylogger? I've been thinking about suggesting the same kind of virus. Why would it have to expire though? It would be a simple disinfect from an anti-spyware.
48  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: No inactivity on local processes on: August 17, 2008, 10:58:09 AM
Exactly - it just stops players from having to play against the mechanics. Those who IP hop and change pass regularly always have one cued up anyways. If this is the sticking point, then don't include those. With or without those, I think it makes the game more realistic and a bit less irritating 1
49  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: No inactivity on local processes on: August 17, 2008, 02:59:38 AM
More thoughts/ideas? I'm looking forward to Sir Emi's ofc.
50  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Hardware profiles on: August 17, 2008, 02:59:13 AM
Bump - Sir Emi?
51  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: some fixes on: August 14, 2008, 05:46:39 PM
Thanks for fixing that inactivity bug - was driving me crazy 2 Will that fix other processes (deletes and disinfects, namely) from dropping early as well?
52  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Reseach with only AP. on: August 13, 2008, 07:07:16 PM
Yeah! Down with the higher players *gets a pitchfork and stabs himself*

But seriously, this can be nixed 1
53  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / No inactivity on local processes on: August 12, 2008, 11:38:31 PM
It makes sense (at least to me) for local processes (deletes on your own gateway, password/ip changes, research, and reformats) to not drop due to inactivity. I can elaborate on this if anyone would like me to, but it seems self-explanatory. What do you think, Sir Emi?
54  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Allow users to change background color on: August 12, 2008, 06:49:31 PM
Suggestion: I think players should have the option of changing the background color ingame
Description: Colors are pretty, and people like different colors. We should let them choose!

Players most positively affected by this update (Virii Infectors, Newbies, Etc):
People who don't like black backgrounds.

List THREE reasons why these types of players would be positively affected by this update:
1: They would no longer have to look at a black background
2: They could look at other colors of backgrounds
3: Being able to CHOOSE black instead of being forced to look at it might help them overcome their hatred

Players most negatively affected by this update (Virii Infectors, Newbies, Etc):
People who have difficulty making decisions, colorblind people

List THREE reasons why these types of players would be negatively affected by this update:
1: Colorblind people could be offended that others get to see more colors than they do
2: Indecisive people might stop playing the game in favor of spending hours each day trying to find the perfect color
3: Indecisive people might spend real money hiring a consultant to help them find the right color, and therefore have less money to spend on the game

List as many reasons you can as to why this suggestion should be implemented (Minimum of 2):
1: Because I support people's right to choose (colors)
2: Black isn't really a color anyways... It's the lack of color. Is that what you want for this game? A lack of color?

List as many reasons you can as to why this suggestion should NOT be implemented:
1: The color of the background doesn't really matter
2. It won't attract any new players
3. It won't impress any old players
4. Your time could be better spent actually fixing problems with the game and implementing new features 1

There HJ, are you happy? Someone used your template.
55  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Hardware profiles on: August 12, 2008, 05:05:08 PM
No offense intended, but the suggestion "formula" is just your personal suggestion. I do agree with the basic premise behind it, that people should think their ideas through before suggesting them. However, imho not every suggestion needs to follow those guidelines as long as the idea isn't half-baked, or unless Emi actually asks us to use them. That being said, I'm writing this on my UMPC and so it's harder to follow a format.

I don't think it would be overly complicated to code this suggestion, and it would add not only a semblance of realism, but have a useful function as well.
56  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Hardware profiles on: August 12, 2008, 02:59:18 PM
I was reminded today about how easy it is to disappear into thin air - between unlimited name changes and plentiful IP changes, it's nearly impossible to keep track of who's who. I'd love to see a "hardware profile" tab when accessing a server that would include more info: some useful, like MAC address (which would allow you to keep track of people you've hacked before, since MAC addy wouldn't change), and some for show (at least for now) like OS and other hardware not actually in the game yet (gpu, mobo, etc). This would somewhat help offset the total anonymity (other than file names, which can also be changed) and give players a greater sense of ownership and customization.

Thoughts? 1
57  HP Info Terminal / F.A.Q. / Re: Fake Omnicron Server? Who is it? on: August 12, 2008, 02:50:02 PM
Any gold member can call their server anything and, when you add IP change in the mix, there's no way to keep track of people, even those you've hacked. In fact, I'm going to add a suggestion about this. Thanks for reminding me 1
58  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Different Research Types on: August 11, 2008, 12:45:13 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else thinks the straightline research is a bit odd... Every v1 file is the same regardless of who researched it and how fast. I'd love to see not only a bit of randomization, which would give people a reason to re-research files, but also other things to research on files... As in research to reduce HDD, CPU, or MEM use.... It doesn't make sense that every file naturally becomes a piece of resource hogging bloatware. There would, of course, have to be limits - you don't want a V500 password protect running for 50cpu/mem, but it would definitely broaden the spectrum of the game.

there are a few ways this could work... resource reduction research could be either a flat rate or a percent. I really like the idea of being able to make the code more efficient.
59  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Use the Hall of Fame on: August 11, 2008, 12:41:11 PM
How about me, with first unpronounceable name in the top ten? (or first to break 50 million score... either one. Personally I prefer the name thing.)
60  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: PSU's on: August 07, 2008, 02:25:52 PM
Don't you think that should be left up to siremi? If people wanted games without bugs and never implemented anything in a game that could cause complications, we wouldn't even have the original PONG to play. This game is not only immensely simple, but there really isn't much to do (especially with all the limitations being imposed). Personally, I think the more aspects of the game that can be combined, the better.

I'd even love to see stuff like other "hackers" (npc servers) that request software at a certain version, etc. Once the upload is finished, the IP goes away so people can't steal it. And, as Emi said, doing DDoS attacks on pub/secret serves (or even other players!) would be awesome.
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