Title: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Gwolf on January 27, 2009, 03:47:34 PM With my laptop wi-fi down, i had to go use my wii to play this game.
i going to rename programs what i can just for the fun of this, and if I hack you, your will/may/may not hate me for you being easy to find.:12: and try not to make my wii run to slow, for putting things on there :) (wii not power full, so puting the ad things may slow it down) p.s I can find you useing the power of my DS if i have to. :lol: Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: jager on January 27, 2009, 04:21:02 PM rename? wii run to slow? putting things on? DS?
Am I in the wrong game or is this the twilight zone? Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Sin15698 on January 27, 2009, 06:28:06 PM I could use my PSP or my phone :5:
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Exousia on January 27, 2009, 06:33:51 PM You did WHAT??? For HOW many cookies?
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: DamascuS on January 27, 2009, 07:12:27 PM Haha, an old party favourite of mine, sitting in the garden/town centre with my laptop + usb bluetooth stick + wireless card...oh what memories :13:
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 27, 2009, 08:42:21 PM Ill hack you all with my stone tablet :16:
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Sin15698 on January 28, 2009, 01:18:13 AM Ill hack you all with my stone tablet :16: Stone tablet ehh? I heard about those. The new one that just came out has, well.... it's the same as it was 6 thousand years ago and it is terrible :thumbsdown: You can't do anything on it... you can't put music on it, you can't go on the internet, you can't text people, you can't call people, you can't even play frisbee. I suggest you get an i-phone or i-touch both of which are way better... :14: Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 28, 2009, 05:09:04 AM Stone tablet ehh? I heard about those. The new one that just came out has, well.... it's the same as it was 6 thousand years ago and it is terrible :thumbsdown: You can't do anything on it... you can't put music on it, you can't go on the internet, you can't text people, you can't call people, you can't even play frisbee. I suggest you get an i-phone or i-touch both of which are way better... :14:
[/quote] Yeah but you cant kill a person with an i-phone or i-touch. maybe a combination of the two a brick with a screen and keyboard. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: virus man on January 28, 2009, 09:16:09 AM Yeah but you cant kill a person with an i-phone or i-touch. maybe a combination of the two a brick with a screen and keyboard. Reminds me of my first portable computer. It was about 2 feet long 1 ft tall and 1 foot wide. The Keyboard latched in to cover the monochrome LCD during transit and plugged in via the AT connector. I wonder if my dad still has it laying around someplace. Would be cool to put all new hardware in it and replace the LCD with a color one. Talk about total retro. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: jager on January 28, 2009, 09:52:16 AM Reminds me of my first portable computer. It was about 2 feet long 1 ft tall and 1 foot wide. The Keyboard latched in to cover the monochrome LCD during transit and plugged in via the AT connector. I wonder if my dad still has it laying around someplace. Would be cool to put all new hardware in it and replace the LCD with a color one. Talk about total retro. Don't forget the wheelbarrow to carry that monstrosity around :) But I do have a C64 somewhere around :) lpJ. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 28, 2009, 10:46:51 AM Yeah but you cant kill a person with an i-phone or i-touch. maybe a combination of the two a brick with a screen and keyboard. Reminds me of my first portable computer. It was about 2 feet long 1 ft tall and 1 foot wide. The Keyboard latched in to cover the monochrome LCD during transit and plugged in via the AT connector. I wonder if my dad still has it laying around someplace. Would be cool to put all new hardware in it and replace the LCD with a color one. Talk about total retro. LOL or use it as is Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Exousia on January 28, 2009, 04:30:48 PM I grew up on C64s. I had one of those portable computers just like you described, VM. The new stuff is fun and all but there's just something about that old school stuff that you just never get over. You miss monochrome displays and 4mhz processors even as you're playing around with your 2ghz machine.
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Deavas on January 28, 2009, 07:22:38 PM Fellow C64 guy here, as a matter of fact I still have one. Not my original , but I piecing one together off E-Bay . Also Commodore was the first "portable" with a keyboard that attached over the front. Was called FMZ or FM? cant remember now , but it was the first , I have been looking to buy one. Oh the memories of games that didn't have cheat codes " unless you "list "$"" and modify ect... Anyway , when you lost or died in those games , you heard the tell tale rumble .... rattattatta...( your character being erased) QUICK FLIP THE DRIVE DOOR!!!!! :13: One of the very first cheats I might add. How this subject puts a smile on my face :) :) :)
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 28, 2009, 09:55:48 PM it just puts a confused face on my head lol ive never heard of any of these junk boxs you are talking about
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: virus man on January 28, 2009, 11:27:47 PM Except the C64 wasn't really considered a portable although with the whole thing contained within the Keyboard it was very portable.
I remember my first C64 back in 1981 or 1982. We plugged it into a small TV for the monitor and had a floppy drive for it as well as a tape drive and modem. Terrific machine. Bard's Tale was never better than on that machine. It burned out on me in the late 80's when I was in MN for a year. My next computer was a IBM Compatible 8086. 4mhz XT with 640K of ram. God that was a fun computer. I ran a Wildcat BBS on it for a good while. All the users swore up and down it was a 286 with how much tweaking I did on it. Sadly the CPU smoked after about 6 months. Then my next was a 386 with 2M of ram. I got a 14.4 modem for it but the funny thing was it would connect to most 56K's at 28K+. That one I think may still be at my mom's house unless she threw it away. Lets see. P150 came next God I loved Vodoo back then. I was a killer in Tribes and Tribes was the first graphical game that SGP was in. After that I went to the Celeron 333 Celeron 400 P4 3ghz HT (I still use it as my desktop) Core 2 Duo 2.4ghz which is my current notebook. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 29, 2009, 02:10:49 AM now it makes sense. My parents wernt even thinking about making babies when those were out
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Exousia on January 29, 2009, 02:35:16 AM it just puts a confused face on my head lol ive never heard of any of these junk boxs you are talking about Junk box? How dare you! You wouldn't call a '63 Corvette a pile of crap, now would you? No, these things are classics. Far outmatched by today's standards, but like people who restore classic cars, we love our classic computers. It may have taken several minutes for some of my old favorites to load, and I may have beaten them a thousand times, but I still love them. Got a personal archive of classic commodore and even classic DOS games. A good game is a good game no matter what the platform it was built on. Too many modern games rely so heavily on effects that they have little to no plot. Back then, without all these fancy-schmancy graphics accelerators and shtuff, you had to have a good concept and a good plot to keep people interested. It's a portion of the art that has been lost over time. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: jager on January 29, 2009, 03:41:48 AM Junk box? How dare you! You wouldn't call a '63 Corvette a pile of crap, now would you? No, these things are classics. ... classic DOS games. .... That is so true! And - I do admit I'm still playing Prehistoric 2, almost 15 years old game that still runs on today hardware - and it is still fun! :) lpJ. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 29, 2009, 08:02:16 AM 63 Corvette = pile of crap. HA i said it lol
By todays standards those computers are less then junk although they are good for there time and have better storys in the games. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Gwolf on January 29, 2009, 11:08:43 AM it just puts a confused face on my head lol ive never heard of any of these junk boxs you are talking about Junk box? How dare you! You wouldn't call a '63 Corvette a pile of crap, now would you? No, these things are classics. Far outmatched by today's standards, but like people who restore classic cars, we love our classic computers. It may have taken several minutes for some of my old favorites to load, and I may have beaten them a thousand times, but I still love them. Got a personal archive of classic commodore and even classic DOS games. A good game is a good game no matter what the platform it was built on. Too many modern games rely so heavily on effects that they have little to no plot. Back then, without all these fancy-schmancy graphics accelerators and shtuff, you had to have a good concept and a good plot to keep people interested. It's a portion of the art that has been lost over time. that is so true, i find it hard to get good games Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Andreas on January 29, 2009, 01:19:42 PM Dungeon Crawl? Any other Rouge-like game? Thats the best games made. If anyone knows about other rouge-like games (not DC, Rouge, Hack, Moria or Nethack) please send me a download link.
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Exousia on January 29, 2009, 03:45:47 PM 63 Corvette = pile of crap. HA i said it lol By todays standards those computers are less then junk although they are good for there time and have better storys in the games. :laugh: I, of course, knew what you meant. I just like being dramatic. Especially to prove a point. Dungeon Crawl? Any other Rouge-like game? Thats the best games made. If anyone knows about other rouge-like games (not DC, Rouge, Hack, Moria or Nethack) please send me a download link. Me too! Me too! Good stuff is hard to find. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Sin15698 on January 29, 2009, 06:43:16 PM My god! this is wose then my history class and I hate history :16: My phone is better then those "computers" you described, gosh, my watch could play better games then those computers. And a 63 corvette is just as bad :10: I'm glad I wasn't born in the stone age like most of you...... :sweatdrop: but with all of these aparently "older" people playing HP what does that say about the games future :butcher:
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Exousia on January 29, 2009, 07:12:57 PM Pandora's Box, Sin! Duck and cover!
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on January 29, 2009, 08:30:20 PM My god! this is wose then my history class and I hate history :16: My phone is better then those "computers" you described, gosh, my watch could play better games then those computers. And a 63 corvette is just as bad :10: I'm glad I wasn't born in the stone age like most of you...... :sweatdrop: but with all of these aparently "older" people playing HP what does that say about the games future :butcher: ROFL you said stone age. That must be a dam expensive watch to. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Andreas on January 30, 2009, 01:38:44 PM Stoneage? Im 16! You should be in my age or older.
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: jager on January 30, 2009, 03:06:48 PM oh kids these days ....
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Sin15698 on January 30, 2009, 06:41:40 PM :sweatdrop: It's better to be a kid then some 500 year old guy who plays online games...... :8: how werid...
Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Deavas on January 31, 2009, 10:18:09 PM I just gotta ignore all the hate , and say "Elite" yea buddy :7: , That would be by "Firebird" for you younger gents. It was by all account the first "GTA"
Except the C64 wasn't really considered a portable although with the whole thing contained within the Keyboard it was very portable I was referring to the SX-64 , http://oldcomputers.net/sx64.html (http://oldcomputers.net/sx64.html) not the C-64 , sorry for the confusion. I meant Commodore made the first "portable" not that the C64 was one. :) Edit- "Bards Tale" excellent game. How about "Pool of Radiance" or ..... wait for it .... " ULTIMA II" all the way up to about V then it kinda lost my interest. (being penalized for being bad just ruined it for me) And I left out Akalabeth, cause it was just plain lame , but I bring it now cause it started the whole Ultima saga. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Exousia on January 31, 2009, 11:33:50 PM First gerunds and now old people, Sin?
Those were real games, Deavas. Stuff modern flashy games can't hold a candle to. Now, if we could take today's flashiness and apply it to those classic games, we'd have a killer combination that's rarely found these days. Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: Deavas on January 31, 2009, 11:46:23 PM Now, if we could take today's flashiness and apply it to those classic games, we'd have a killer combination that's rarely found these days. QFT Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: scotto189 on February 01, 2009, 03:17:27 AM Stoneage? Im 16! You should be in my age or older. lol im 18 Title: Re: hacking useing the power of the Wii Post by: GhostGate on February 23, 2009, 04:44:10 AM Praise be to the wii and retro gamers