Title: Bugs Post by: Donn on April 09, 2009, 12:48:07 PM Although many bugs have already gotten a topic in this section, I would like to ask everyone to post any possible bugs again.
The idea is to make a list of bugs that are annoying the community and give this list to Sir Emi, so he can fix them once and for all (or decide that it isn't a bug and should stay that way). I have already made a list of suggestions/bugs, but I'd like to ask once more for the input of the community. Jager and Ebolla, this request is especially directed at you two.. :7: As said before, I want you to also give bugs that have already been talked about on the forum. Title: Re: Bugs Post by: gs 059 on April 09, 2009, 03:23:07 PM can kill any virus installation from anywhere, same with process tracker processes.
Edit: if you see a process of either a virus installation, or a process trace, than you can stop it you do not have to track the person the processes came from Title: Re: Bugs Post by: Donn on April 11, 2009, 06:50:57 AM Research overload fixed?
Title: Re: Bugs Post by: ãłþħά-∆9 on July 06, 2009, 10:45:56 AM can kill any virus installation from anywhere, same with process tracker processes. Edit: if you see a process of either a virus installation, or a process trace, than you can stop it you do not have to track the person the processes came from I thought this was a feature but yes... If more PvP was to be added, why is it we can't really do anything to player's gateways, as they can cancel every process remotely (hide files, activate virus, download, upload, delete) I think only delete processes and downloads should be able to be cancelled remotely, as they contribute straight to power/rank Title: Re: Bugs Post by: 13thSlayer on November 03, 2010, 12:15:12 PM Test account can be switched into vacation mode, as originally stated here (http://www.hacker-project.com/forum/index.php?topic=2457.0).
There is also this (http://www.hacker-project.com/forum/index.php?topic=2458.0) multi-account related issue. Title: Re: Bugs Post by: bontrose on November 03, 2010, 02:15:33 PM forgot this :17:
we call this here necroposting :spider2: Title: Re: Bugs Post by: 13thSlayer on November 03, 2010, 02:40:31 PM forgot this :17: News: It's called necroposting or necrobumping everywhere. (http://kolobok.us/smiles/icq/crazy.gif)we call this here necroposting :spider2: Title: Re: Bugs Post by: Hatejacket on November 04, 2010, 03:24:28 AM forgot this :17: News: It's called necroposting or necrobumping everywhere. (http://kolobok.us/smiles/icq/crazy.gif)we call this here necroposting :spider2: Title: Re: Bugs Post by: bontrose on November 04, 2010, 02:27:04 PM forgot this :17: we call this here necroposting :spider2: News: It's called necroposting or necrobumping everywhere. (http://kolobok.us/smiles/icq/crazy.gif) News: Bontrose looks like your emoticon News: hj doesn't know how to quote rightTitle: Re: Bugs Post by: Hatejacket on November 04, 2010, 03:00:43 PM forgot this :17: we call this here necroposting :spider2: News: It's called necroposting or necrobumping everywhere. (http://kolobok.us/smiles/icq/crazy.gif) News: Bontrose looks like your emoticon News: hj doesn't know how to quote rightNot news: bontrose doesn't know how to do anything right Not news: bontrose was dropped on his head as a child Not news: arguing with bontrose is pointless because he can't comprehend the conversation News: Go to hell, bontrose! News: HJ doesn't give a nuts about the way quotes look lol Title: Re: Bugs Post by: bontrose on November 05, 2010, 03:38:52 PM forgot this :17: we call this here necroposting :spider2: News: It's called necroposting or necrobumping everywhere. (http://kolobok.us/smiles/icq/crazy.gif) News: Bontrose looks like your emoticon News: hj doesn't know how to quote right Not news: bontrose has played this game for 2 years and still doesn't know how to play sure i do, i just choose not to play to winNot news: bontrose doesn't know how to do anything right Not news: bontrose was dropped on his head as a child Not news: arguing with bontrose is pointless because he can't comprehend the conversation News: Go to hell, bontrose! News: HJ doesn't give a nuts about the way quotes look lol sure i do, i just don't fit in your standards sure i was, i screamed like hell not really news, more of an all too common comment from you we already knew this Title: Re: Bugs Post by: norill on November 20, 2010, 09:55:25 AM when starting download you get a log entry
Quote admin [localhost] Download started, <program name> V <version> from <ip here> but the ip is my ip, not the ip where im downloading stuff from. this is annoying because i cant check the ip in the logs when sbd interrupts the download and i dont remember where i was downloading it fromTitle: Re: Bugs Post by: norill on March 09, 2012, 03:31:34 PM Code: Ranking near norill look at the ranking #Ranking User Servers Status Power 11 [DoS] rob1313 1 37.115 12 urbanmagician 1 ONLINE 37.054 13 hacker 387 1 37.041 14 Chiggernut 1 ONLINE 37.031 15 Dr_Lion 1 ONLINE 37.024 16 [LMAO] Velthur 1 ONLINE 36.945 17 Chicken17 1 36.770 18 XDscore 1 36.769 19 Precision1 1 36.764 20 relserlamo 1 36.734 21 [CROW] 99717 1 36.725 22 Cyberhacks000 1 36.687 33 [TSI] amok0011 1 ONLINE 36.680 32 master x 1 36.680 31 [VES] Ailithical 1 36.680 29 [LMAO] leader 1 36.680 28 Yashani 1 36.680 27 [10110] powerredrum1 36.680 26 [RoL] GlitchH4xor 1 36.680 25 [DoS] slackery 1 36.680 24 Exousia 1 36.680 23 [DoS] norill 1 ONLINE 36.680 23 [HP] e 1 ONLINE 36.680 42 swift 1 6.635 43 unlimited 1 6.635 44 eLmo 1 6.635 45 vintage 1 6.635 46 martinprox 1 6.635 47 hellwod 1 6.635 41 mihai 1 6.635 40 Nightman 1 6.635 39 DarkShad 1 6.635 38 Lumancia 1 6.635 37 Tartarus 1 6.635 36 alex 1 6.635 35 Neo 1 6.635 34 test 1 6.635 48 dnfa 1 6.635 |