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"Being illegal doesn't make it wrong."
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1  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 07, 2012, 12:01:07 AM
And once again you prove your stupidity. The global moderator of a dead game can't even write one sentence without spelling something wrong. That's going to go a long way!

The reason I'm pregnant dogy? Has nothing to do with you. You are nothing to me, never have been and never will be. The only reason I ever became "friends" with you was to get donations from you. You were simply a pawn in making my game a little more entertaining. I know it's nice that you think you're all high and mighty - but you are nothing but a username in a dead game. You're a nobody. I high fived my brothers when you donated to me, and then we all sat back and laughed at your stupid ass. Fun times.

I didn't say one negative thing about you in my rant here - actually the opposite, when i said NOTHING against WolfDoc, blah blah blah. But seeing as you think you are the almighty savior of HP, you have to open your retarded mouth yet again and try to save face. Every time you post you look just a little bit more stupid, in case you aren't aware.

I could care less about what Emi thinks of me, or how he wants to treat me. He knows how I feel about him, always has, but he puts on his 2nd face any time he tries to message me. If he wasn't such a retard himself, he would have a good game going here.

I could care less about having "control" of a game that less than 20 people play. Like I said, the ONLY reason I came back was to see if Emi had done anything. I am not playing the game and don't intend to. Not ever again. I came to see if ANYTHING productive had been done and nothing more. Obviously nothing has been done, but years later you idiots are still here praying.

Here's something: Why don't you try going outside and getting a life? You've spent years on a computer game, you sad sack of crap. You're right, I am 22 now, old enough to learn that life is better spent away from a monitor. Something you will never do. Do you think I care about what people think my age is? LOL. That whole persona was about as fake as you saying YOU actually have any money.

Here's another: You aren't even good at this game. The only reason you ever got anywhere was because you spent money that doesn't even belong to you. You are a thingyrider of life living on someone else's expenses. You have all this money and yet you play this game. You are pathetic. The only thing good you ever did with your life was kill your cousin, one less from the Wolf Clan around makes the world a better place.

I could give two nutss on why people leave this game. I'm glad they do. I'll be as happy as I can be when the game is gone, because you and everyone else will finally get what they deserve: nothing. And then you will sit back and question why you have just wasted years of your life playing a nerd game. Loser.

Now let's see if you can understand any of that; it's hard enough for me to figure out what the hell you are saying. 20+ years old and you type like someone half your age. Playing a dead game that nobody but you cares about. The owner of which hasn't even logged on in 4 days, because he doesn't give a shlt it or you. You probably think Emi is your friend, but to him you are just a money maker and nothing more. Keep getting played, fool! But I'm the retard. LOL!

2  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 05, 2012, 11:58:40 PM
Whatever, HJ. Is this the only reason you came back? That's what's truly pathetic.

No, I keep coming back with the hopes that Emi has smartened up. It's been nearly 5 years now and still nothing has changed. I'm trying to HELP you dumb ass n1ggas. You are WASTING YOUR TIME HERE. I would love nothing more than to see Emi get what he deserves, and that's NOBODY playing his piece of SHlT games. He deserves it for the YEARS he has treated us like nothing more than financial pawns, but you idiots can't realize this. Just look at SEA ODYSSEY and tell me that Hacker Project isn't headed the same way. You can't do it without knowing you're a liar.

The game was in a broken state when WolfDoc got here and all he did was help it get broken even further. I felt at the time he was here that the only recourse to actually make Emi listen would be to get everyone to STOP playing. But that all went down the drains when the donations started coming; it made Emi believe that what he was doing was right. That's not wrong on WolfDoc's part, but it's INCREDIBLY greedy on Emi's part. And what do we get out of it?

No updates without threatening to take the donations away. No sign of a care in the world from the guy who took all of your hard earned money. I have been playing since DAY ONE, YOU HAVE TOO, And you know that I'm right. You know full well that greed has taken over this game. And you know full well that this will SOON be the next SEA O. Like me or not, you know I am right, and you ALL know that nobody is to blame but EMI.

Stop paying him boys, he doesn't deserve a dime. If he did the game would be up and running. Take thousands of dollars from wolfdoc but can't put a dime into advertising, or just enough to get the site on voting pages. It's pathetic.

To me this was the most unique, fun game available, and I still love everything about it..GAME SIDE. Management wise, it's all fuc|<ed. You all know this. If you think Emi will one day wake up and say "I should just do what is right for the success of the game", you are wrong. You can all keep wishing, and you must understand that IF he did this years ago like he should have, the game would be THRIVING. He wouldn't have had to rely on WolfDoc just to stay afloat because we would have hundreds of members donating to him.

But the timing was all messed up. WolfDoc came in the lull part of the game where Emi had started to give up, seeing as the popular user base had left. You know why the biggest reason most of us left was? Coming from someone who saw it all, first hand?

It was EMI'S updates, the ones that NOBODY in the community agreed with, but it set him up to make the most he could out of the game. He stopped caring about Hacker Project and started caring about his bank account. I'm talking AP, Rev, etc. etc. Stuff that will f**k your day up and you have to DONATE to re-coup within a reasonable time frame. We all HEAVILY rejected these ideas but they were implemented anyways.


But I don't expect you guys to get that. Seeing as you've wasted YEARS here.
3  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 05, 2012, 07:32:13 PM
Even if the idiot gave you $100 per round, you know full well everything I said was true. I won't be back here full-time, ever, because I've seen the light. I've dealt with the idiot for years and I know exactly what he is like.

When you morons can finally see this, you'll leave.

I'll be back in a few months to see the new Sea O, HP.

And you can't deny a d**n thing about it. You know it's true. Yet you keep wasting your time here. You sad sacks of shlt.
4  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 05, 2012, 07:26:45 PM
Poor you. I got $90 from emi already. Look at the front page, retard.

Congratulations, you make 2.3 cents an hour! May aswell retire now!

Poor me? No. see, with the time you've been wasting here making sweatshop rates, I've actually been outside enjoying life. Your rates aren't even that high! You've already got at least 1 year of VIP. It's so worth it, man!

That doesn't change from the fact that if Emi doesn't make at least $90 in donations, you don't get anything at all. You think Emi is rewarding you for playing? No, he's trying to keep people playing, to increase the donatorship. Not a dime of Emi's own money has been given out in prizes, get real. You f**king idiot.

Why do you think your person I disagree with ideas haven't been implemented? They sure will be, as soon as f**k face figures how he can profit on them!

And really, how short are the rounds when you don't even have enough active players to end one? LOL

Keep wasting your time, noob. Maybe you can keep saving up your prize money and buy a real game.
5  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 05, 2012, 06:57:52 PM
You're a f**king idiot. You don't get real money. It's in game credit. I can make a website and offer you $123,123,543,545 in credit. It doesn't make you a billionaire. It makes you rich ON A WEBSITE. No money comes out of Emi's pocket. The only thing he is paying for is the host of the server, and the day you idiots stop donating enough to pay for that, the game will close.
6  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 05, 2012, 06:38:09 PM
Yeah, the game is more dead than alive.
There's not even enough players to get doomsday started, sjeezz.

But the #1 reason for it is the relentless PvP caused by overpowered remote malware. Tweak that and more people will stick around for a longer time.
I can name dozens of players that were hooked but quit because they got weeks/months of work shattered in the course of one night.

Remote malware will go nowhere for one simple reason: What's the fastest way to re-coup that? By donating. It's a money maker. Not going anywhere. You really think Emi cares about the well being of the game? Come on now. I've been saying this for YEARS and the only 'fixes' that we've seen are things that will give him more money, not fix the game. Why do you think we get updates that nobody wants? Because Emi has some "vision"? No. You get those updates because Emi saw another way to scam a few bucks out of you.

Sea Odyssey is dead and Emi spends twice as much time on Space Odyssey as he does The Hacker Project. He hasn't logged into Sea O in over a week. You tell me why he hasn't logged onto HP in days but is frequently on Space O? Because it's the biggest money maker for him. He doesn't care about Sea O, it's very evident. Just go look at the forums. Then compare all 3 games. Sea O is dead, HP is only being kept alive by you idiots and Space O is where it's at for him right now. If you want to know where Hacker Project is headed, look at Sea O. If you had a developer that gave a d**n, he'd be working on his games. But he only cares about where the money comes from.

You don't need any more proof than the conclusive evidence presented here. There are less than 10 topics on the Sea O forums TOTAL in the last 4 years. NOTHING about Emi trying to do anything to help it. Why? Because he knows it's dead, he knows he can't make money there anymore. If you think Hacker Project is any different, you are entirely delusional. Hacker Project will eventually be what Sea O is now, and he'll then take them both offline. The only reason HP even gets the attention it does now is because of the history of donations he's got; He's just hoping they'll come back. Not for the sake of the game, for the sake of his pockets. You may aswell just be Drone #123123 to him; he doesn't give a flying f**k about you, yet you keep on paying him to scam you.

Now someone present me any sort of dispute to this. You know it's true and you still waste your time here. It's sad, really.
7  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 05, 2012, 09:38:56 AM
Doesn't matter how long ago it was. Fact of the matter is, your donations and his greed ruined the game. I won't be sticking around. The only reason I even came back a 2nd time was because I got your PM in my email.

This game is dead. It always will be. It's a learning process for Emi: If you weren't so greedy, for the sake of your game you would limit the amount a person can donate. But you don't care about the well-being of the game. You care about the well-being of your pockets.

8  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Major Update! The Mutant Revelation missions on: June 04, 2012, 10:46:43 AM
Have you not figured it out yet, person I disagree withes?

This forum holds a special place in my heart. It reminds me of a special ed classroom, because it's full of retards who will never go anywhere.

You had a good game and you ruined it by being greedy. You know this full well. This game will NEVER get at the pace that it was at within 6 months of it's creation solely on the fact that you'd rather let one inbred idiot pay you what you required to keep putting minimal work in. That and making changes that NOBODY wanted but you, and look where it's got you. You need to listen to your consumer base, but why would you give a nuts? You still have the inbred idiot giving you enough money to pay for the server and your time. He quite apparently doesn't realize any of this.

But why would Emi EVER comment on anything like this? If he admits what everyone else knows, there's a chance that the inbred might not keep paying him.

I'd be willing to bet just about ANYTHING that by the time Mr. Inbred leaves, the site will close within 1 year. I guarantee it. You aren't even playing a game anymore. You're just collecting a paycheck and throwing minimal updates here and there.

I wonder, how much does the inbred pay you, Emi? Because you also know FULL WELL that if you had listened to your consumer base and not let this happen, the gross income would be higher with thousands of people playing. But why does it matter now? It's a missed opportunity for everyone but you, because you have an inbred. Who cares about the well-being of the game, because you're getting a paycheck either way. You are everything that every REAL gamer hates. You are pathetic.

The inbred can say or do whatever he'd like. it won't take away from the fact that you will grow old knowing you wasted years of time and money doing something that was totally fruitless. You really think Emi gives a nuts about the game? Because you're dead wrong. He's got 2 more cookie cutter types of the same thing, just waiting for when HP finally dies (When you leave). The ONLY thing he cares about is getting that money from you. Hacker Project, the game, is just an innocent bystander who happened to take a stray bullet. Really, who is the idiot here?

Keep wasting your time boys. Keep hoping that nuts might change, because it never, ever will, and it gives me a good laugh every couple months.
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