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Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: Vacation Bug
on: December 20, 2012, 01:11:29 AM
lol, this isnt a bug... its only bc ur connecting to a revelation server, servers with active revelation arent effected by vacation, the real bug is the fact u cant bounce to these servers...
Hacker Project Café / Whatever / Re: Finally, I understand why there are 40000 players in this game but gave up
on: August 24, 2012, 06:41:17 PM
and just bc everyone holds u to a lower standard, bc all u do is complain and whine, and truly aren't good at the game, doesnt mean thats how everyone is treated..i cant help that im better at this game no mater what, and that i attacked u and u got mad and rage quit and just troll the boards now. Grow a pair. play and try to do something besides complaining, bc no really cares what u got to say, i just reply to make u look dumb...
Hacker Project Café / Whatever / Re: Finally, I understand why there are 40000 players in this game but gave up
on: August 24, 2012, 06:35:46 PM
lol i love to hear all of asdfth arguments, makes it so easy to show him being First yea i complained, was told nothing was going to happen, so figured why not use them for my benefit like so many others have..Including you.. Second if u'd where really informed as u think u know im not held to a different standard, hell doubt emi even listening to me anymore...Example, his new changes to the CSS, which made any skirpts obsolete...