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1  General Category / HP History / Re: Hall Of Congratulations on: November 20, 2008, 09:58:45 AM

Congrats for all the scripters who found a way to cheat for no real reason.  confused2

And Congrats to those who did it for fun.
2  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: new virii on: November 18, 2008, 04:13:00 PM
If I understand correctly:

This virus, when installed, would start ticking.

After a given amount of time, based perhaps on version, you could activate it. Activating it would add more tasks from the same file, eating up more resources.

And each of those tasks could be activated later, to further eat up resources.

Killing the original file would wipe out all of the processes.

Perhaps as an additional rub, you could activate it while bouncing THROUGH the server it is installed on to another server, and add a task to the server you are connected to. And the only way to get rid of it is to find the original virus and AV it. If this were to happen, changing IP would kill all the associated tasks on all remote servers.
3  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: power research update on: October 27, 2008, 12:40:06 AM

Kill         944047     File X     research file #247223 | File X V 0.1 [Owned][localhost], 55h 36m 15s     0.1     50     3000     0

I started 50 of them with 200 hours, to get a v 30.1 (FOr my own private reasons).

Now they will never complete. Maybe I should start on something new

4  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Mapping IP without connecting/bouncing with it on: October 04, 2008, 04:40:53 PM
I use notepad. I have a text document permanently open, with IPs, Sniffer Daemon logs, and whatever other sources of IPs I get.
5  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: New virii on: September 28, 2008, 11:56:27 PM
also, a password/ ip change can't get killed by remote access

The problem is if I can load your server with sniffers/spyware/malware so that you can't run an IP change.
6  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Reseach page, Running Software page and other updates / fixes on: September 24, 2008, 02:41:12 PM
One issue: The button to start a Virus ID says "Start Capture"
7  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: More forum members. on: September 20, 2008, 11:56:03 PM
Just a correction;
There are about 9000 players registered but I believe only 40% of them actually plays HP.

Online now; 43
43*48(halfhours/day(because updating every half hour))=2064

I was almost close. Calcs says 2064 while I say 3600. I have more faith in HP then I should.

How do you know the average amount of people on at any time is 43? Stop making assumptions. You don't know if the time you took that data was the average, the maximum, the minimum, or somewhere inbetween.

It's a decent guess.

However, I'd point out that I'm probably on for 1 hour a day, so with 38 people on as I write, that's about 38*24 people, or 912 people active now.

Suffice to say, there's probably between 1 and 2 thousand people active (defined as on once a week or more), which means that 1.5-3 % use the forums.
8  Hacker Project Café / Game Room / Re: Pattern Battle!!! on: September 17, 2008, 09:35:36 PM
Emm, that was the hint for other people....


no one solved this one yet, i think

Can someone post a hint for this one. I've been racking my brain, and it still doesn't make sense
9  Hacker Project Café / Game Room / Re: Pattern Battle!!! on: September 10, 2008, 12:23:30 AM
15, 20, 20, 6, 6, 19, 19, 5, 14, 20, a, b, c

a = 5
b = 20
c = 20

Nicely done. Care to explain the pattern for everyone else so they understand (and I know you understand)

As for

Counting is kinda lame, so why don't you do a real pattern, since you did get it.
10  Hacker Project Café / Whatever / Re: Geek required reading/Watching on: September 09, 2008, 01:14:04 PM
Im a little curious about Snow Crash.

Neal Stephenson wrote it. The book follows Hiroaki Protagonist, a Pizza deliverer in the real world, and a hacker/warrior elite in the Metaverse (one of the first virtual realities ever depicted, and the one Second Life was modeled off of). There's some cool stuff about computers and language, and several fight scenes that deserve to get put in the movies, both in and out of the Metaverse.
11  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: I suggest that Revelation is totally skipped. on: September 02, 2008, 04:15:09 PM
 rock rock rock
12  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Guide update - Revelation Day on: September 01, 2008, 10:45:31 PM
Given SGP is on Faith's side?


If they decided to pull Revelaion?

Game Reset becomes much more likely.
13  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Revelation? on: September 01, 2008, 06:36:02 PM
I know that once the reset occurs, I will be doing one of two things:

1) Thanking Emi for the lesson on how not to treat players, and move elsewhere. Daemornia Online perhaps.

2) Becoming a Ghost. You know, one of those things that sticks around, refuses to go away, and is just an all-purpose nuisance.
14  Hacker Project Café / Game Room / Re: Count to a thousand on: August 30, 2008, 07:16:55 PM
First 6-dimensional number (other than 1)
15  Hacker Project Café / Game Room / Re: Count to a thousand on: August 30, 2008, 09:18:27 AM
Most of what we are doing is just base manipulation (putting the number in a different base system).

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