I'm not sure if it is a bug or not, or if it is something supposed to happen like in reallity but sometimes, and it happened to me now, i go search for the log and i can recover it, but when i try to connect to previous ip address, present in that log (the ip that connected to current server) i get a request time out.
Is this a bug, or are some of this missions that are not possible to finishe?
If i buy some bonds, i can see in finances that everyday at midnight i get a interest deposited in my account, i've searched de forum and found nothing.
How is that interest money calculated? lets see, if the price of a bond unity is 7.000 and the interest is 10%, how is the maths done to calculate the money to receive?
I've tried some math but i don't manage to get there..
I, i got hdd overload on some files, and i don't know what is happening. What may cause that? Its not a problem of hard drive space, since i have plenty of it.
I'm sorry if it is already awnsered question, but there are some software repositories, and the beginers tuturial says to begin with the missions from the #1 bulletin board.
My question is if the missions of server #2 and #3 have the same dificultie or harder higher the number?
And by the way, i can search for missions in the other factions bulletins righ? and that are suposed to be harder?