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"Don't be evil."
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1  General Category / Group Board / Re: NPDB - The New Player Defense Bureau on: June 03, 2013, 09:48:52 PM
Well, we climbed pretty quickly to the top of the group ranks. It would seem the idea is catching on, which is great!
2  General Category / Group Board / Re: NPDB - The New Player Defense Bureau on: June 03, 2013, 02:13:08 PM
Will do. I haven't gotten any applicants as of yet. But I'm still hoping to see it take off. I fear that not many new players check the forums. I wonder if they don't just go to the groups page, and apply to which ever name they like the most. 1
3  General Category / Group Board / NPDB - The New Player Defense Bureau on: June 02, 2013, 11:51:18 PM
          Announcing the foundation of The New Player Defense Bureau. I'm hoping to further establish a group that is dedicated to defense of all kinds. Though we specialize in ensuring that new players are not preyed upon by the more powerful ones, we aim to aid all those in need of defense against one sided, malicious attacks. I'm hoping to find agents who are willing to go out and be peace keepers, who can help represent the HP community as well mannered, professional and helpful to new players, and help them kick some bad guy (bad ethics) butt. As I said, We are most definitely recruiting those who want to help protect and clean up. At the same time, if you are a representative of a current group, and you feel like helping the new (or low powered) players find a good solid footing, or feel like this is a good thing for the HP community I would love to hear from you. I am hoping to form alliances and peace with all of the current groups who would wish to be affiliated with this do-right protection agency. Mind you, it would be rare for the NPD to get involved in any kind of offensive war. However we would be willing to provide defensive support to all allies.

         All of that being said, if you are one of the mid-high level players out there, preying on the much weaker players, and they reach out to us for help... Expect to hear from us.    bodyguard
4  General Category / Hi. My name is... / Hi my name is, who? My name is, what? on: June 02, 2013, 05:58:14 PM
Hey all. Just figured I would stop in to say Hi. I've been lurking on HP for a while now, and figured I would come out of the shadows....a little. :P Glad to see such an active community here on the forums!
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