A player is no longer protected when:
(not logged in for the last 7 days)
What one can DO on newbie:
- crack him / bounce / modify logs/ download / disinfect / capture / unhide / decrypt / set public / kill process on the newbie
What one can NOT do on newbie:
- upload / delete / hide / encrypt / install
So you can still bully the newbies, but not that hard...

I'm new here and always I will learn.
I think its good to protect newbies. I'm newbies too.
not a farm player but with this rules who protect me! You know I work hard to win what I have now.
with this rules I know when I will break the glass(rules protection) to join this jungle of Hackers.
with this rules I'm able to work on my starting join this jungle ! Be sure one day I will come outside the rules protection and become unprotected but I will be prepare for too.
Remember: Hacking Challenge its will always stay " trying to hack the stronger target " for someone lol

see you later