I just gotta ignore all the hate , and say "Elite" yea buddy

, That would be by "Firebird" for you younger gents. It was by all account the first "GTA"
Except the C64 wasn't really considered a portable although with the whole thing contained within the Keyboard it was very portable
I was referring to the SX-64 ,
http://oldcomputers.net/sx64.html not the C-64 , sorry for the confusion. I meant Commodore made the first "portable" not that the C64 was one.

Edit- "Bards Tale" excellent game. How about "Pool of Radiance" or ..... wait for it .... " ULTIMA II" all the way up to about V then it kinda lost my interest. (being penalized for being bad just ruined it for me) And I left out Akalabeth, cause it was just plain lame , but I bring it now cause it started the whole Ultima saga.