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General Category / Group Board / Looking for Group, info inside.
on: September 15, 2015, 10:06:04 PM
So, I'm a really old player, my ingame name is "aragos". I've been playing on and off, since long time ago, have experience in the game, found some names which I know who're still playing,,,
Anyway, I have no special preferences on going white or black with revelation, so,,
I haven't played for a while, so I'm a bit rusty here, but regaining my knowledge slowly, but stable.
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: In-game volunteer Guides
on: July 07, 2011, 08:29:47 AM
I got better idea. Why no just add missions which support newbies until certain lvl? It'll give them more motivation to play, as they're being supplied by new soft and hard, and the elder players will get "volunteer" or "guardian" points.
talking to trael Newbie missions are good, but when you start you got no idea what is newbie missions and what's not. Besides, if you put missions which assist both, the newbies and elders, you'll have cooperation, so you can "build" yourself possible targets in future when they could face you.
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: In-game volunteer Guides
on: July 06, 2011, 04:55:55 PM
I got better idea. Why no just add missions which support newbies until certain lvl? It'll give them more motivation to play, as they're being supplied by new soft and hard, and the elder players will get "volunteer" or "guardian" points.
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Voting & HP
on: July 06, 2011, 04:37:14 PM
Well then, some kind of learning process should be inputted 'cause I know that 1st time I came to this game, it took me about half round to understand how the whole shiet works.And now it take about quarter of it to get updated about all the changes, 'cause back then things were much easier.
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Voting & HP
on: July 06, 2011, 02:34:49 PM
I was thinking about something now. Let's say we have 2 cases of people, those who do care for the game, and want more and more people to come so they could compete with others, and those who don't give a nuts. 1st case will click all the 20 links of voting, and will put in Capchas, and will click "Click here to vote for HP". 2nd case will just click all of them to get AP/HPD and that's it. Now, I'm playing for years certain game, which also has votes& reward. BUT You can't just click the vote links there, 'cause it'll give you nothing.You truly need to vote. I know that the server can't use our IPs as proxies and attempt to vote again[as all those sites monitor votes by IP] and re-vote each time we click on the link, 'Cause it's simply impossible with CAPCHAs.. Now, I don't know how it really works, but certainly never happened I got anything without voting there.Why don't we get same function here, pretty sure that somewhere out there if it's possible at the other game, it is possible here. If such thing to be implemented here, we'll get much higher place on all sites which will bring people here. Then, both cases will probably vote without difference, 'cause those that play and just click will still want their bonus, even if it's so small. What do you guys think? Emi?