Malware should execute remote attacks on targets.
Remote attack power should be very low compared to direct attack. (3% of the normal attack)
Target should receive a warning of incoming attack. A "remote malware attack" process will be started on the target as well as the attacker system. The process can be killed if target hacks into the attacking system. The target can escape the remote attack if it changes IP. Remote attack process has a countdown to task completion. The process has to be completed, target has to be valid, then the malware will be unleashed remotely.
How it will work:
Attacker = server where malware is installed. It can be a farm or a server where you own a malware virii.
Defender = server that is to be remotely attacked by your malware virii
In Software, when trying to activate your malware, you will be prompted for the target IP. Once confirmed, a process will be started on the Attacker and Defender servers. This is similar to a remote disinfection process. Once the remote attack process is completed by the Attacker, the malware will release it's charge at 3% of the normal efficiency.
That makes me think around new game engine usage (you can call it plan, tactics, or whatever you want).
I think it should have some limitations:
-Attacker server cannot change IP adress or get the virii disinfected. If that happens, the attack is canceled.
-Defender server can change IP adress while the attack is being aiming (the counter is on), cancelling the attack and reseting the virii hours counter.
-A direct connection is made to the Defender. This way attack is traceble because of the first limit.
-The attacker should have the admin access prior to attack launching?
-The same server cannot launch a remote attack to 2 servers at the same time.
-The attack should not be launched from too powered to too newbs (It could make the top impossible to reach), but I await this community not to go that way too much and leave others to compete with them (otherway, it would exist no pvp). I would first give warnings or make hide/encripts prior to masive remote attacking.
-In order to improve pvp, remote attacks should be only allowed to be launched from OWNED servers, or other players gateways, but not from NPC servers.
Question: This thing will affect both the overload virus and the logic bomb virus?
PS: It will be a great tool for pro-faith people playing this game. It would allow to nuke servers, pushing them to the newbie status, without using rev, with lots of stealth.
if i might make a suggestion there was another online game out there where in order to do a malware attack called a DDOS attack and it damaged the hardware and software on the targets server. but in order to run it you had to install attack software on servers you found and you had to have the control software on your personal server inorder to do the attack but you also had to connect or activate the attack software before you could perform the attack and could only do so against a single target once a day 24 hours later you could attack that same target .. so every person you ran the software against would have a 24 hour time period that you cannot attack them that would give them a chance at retaliations...