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HP Info Terminal / F.A.Q. / IP Leech questions
on: August 21, 2013, 11:51:57 PM
IP Leech wasnt around the last time I played, so I have a few odd questions about it.
1) Since the "search parameters" start at V.01, if I have a gateway with no software on it, will it ever show up in the search?
2) Does IP Leech also include installed virii? If I have a gateway with only a .01 Sniffer on it, will IP Leech find it?
3) If I install a .01 virii on someone elses gateway, will that gateway show in a search result?
HP Info Terminal / F.A.Q. / Re: Ability points and faction standing
on: August 19, 2013, 03:45:54 PM
I really hate to necro something, but I figured this would be the place for my question.
For the Icarus faction (and possibly others, I haven't looked), there are several ability upgrade options that make no sense-
Log UnDeleter runtime The software will run faster for you
How does an Undeleter work faster? It's one click- it either works or it doesn't. No timer involved, so it cannot run faster.
Firewall Protect runtime The software will run faster for you
Same as above. It's either running or it's not. No timer.
Am I missing something, or are these just pointless sinks to take up space and make the factions look equal in power?
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / IP search option in "Software"
on: June 25, 2009, 09:31:32 AM
Owning a fair number of the 0.1 Sniffers has me playing an entirely different game. Playing "Matchmaker" between server names/types and the IP #s has me spending a lot of time with a Notepad open. A simple suggestion to be able to search through owned virii using IP numbers would be a handy time saver, and could prevent me from accidentally connecting to the wrong server, lol.
Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: Ghost Sniffer w/ possible Format relation
on: June 23, 2009, 11:47:02 PM
Update- Having formatted again with the same parameters erased File # 70538 Sniffer Demon along with with the "actual" sniffer I had installed.
I find it odd that the "Software" section both recognized the ghost sniffer AND allowed it to use the password change feature, despite it not being physically present on the gateway itself.
Chalk it up to a ghost in the machine, I guess.
Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Ghost Sniffer w/ possible Format relation
on: June 23, 2009, 07:53:32 PM
After formatting my little "minion" server, I still retained the sniffer that was installed on it in my Software section. File #70538 Sniffer Demon seemed to be just a graphical ghost. It retains all information from the previous incarnation, although the "Name" and "Version" sections are blank. The REAL issue is that I used the non-existent Ghost Sniffer to reset the password of my "minion" server. Obviously an issue that needs to be addressed. Whether the relation to formatting with an installed (and owned) sniffer is relevant is unknown. Currently I'm attempting to duplicate said scenario, and will post my results.
General Category / HP History / Re: Something needs to be done.
on: June 11, 2009, 03:13:21 PM
As one of the people that watched the astronomical version numbers in R1, I support this idea also.
I typically don't kill research tasks unless the other person is such a weenie that it warrants it (this is a matter of perspective, I understand, as people have different opinions). I don't research often, and when I do it's out of NEED. When lack of needed software causes other software to become outdated, I have no other option but to research. I would like to think the same of others, but there are people that research strictly to have the best software versions available.
Having stolen a LOT of software (Rank 25 and not an hour of research done), I've had the opportunity to kill a decent number of research tasks. I don't, however. To me that is the equivalent of killing off the baby zebras just for fun. I don't benefit from satisfying my ego, I benefit from letting those babies grow into adults, then killing them off.
Having a top position means someone is always gunning for you, and not everyone is as forgiving as I am. I will say one thing however, when I crack someone only to find useless software it makes me angry (Nmap Scanner for the win!). How people react to anger is different as the person itself. I imagine a good number of those kill research tasks strictly out of frustration, with even fewer of those actually being "tactically minded". However, one of the problems with being on top is there isn't much left to do. If you choose to harass and oppress the people below you, you get labeled a "griever". Research, at that point is one of the only ways to stay on top-as those below you have inferior software.
I'm rambling. In short, don't leave because others need to satisfy their egos. You'll satisfy them more if you do.
HP Info Terminal / F.A.Q. / Unlisted servers
on: June 04, 2009, 08:12:25 PM
After the "Search and Destroy" mission has been completed, do the Unlisted Servers stick around? Or do they disappear with the mission completion?
General Category / HP History / Re: So, what Faction are you in?
on: June 02, 2009, 04:21:19 PM
True Light had too much competition to get anything done on a timely basis, so I had to change (All the code missions get done by other people before I even get the nut cracked). I chose Icarus due to my love of Sniffers. So far so good on mission completions. Haven't had to compete with anyone so far.
HP Info Terminal / F.A.Q. / Re: "The software will run faster for you"
on: June 02, 2009, 02:15:11 AM
The description implies that the software itself would be faster. Just seems like a poor definition. Perhaps a slight text change to reflect the true nature of the ability would be better. I.E., "software research and usage are faster".
Thanks anyways!
HP Info Terminal / F.A.Q. / "The software will run faster for you"
on: June 02, 2009, 12:54:23 AM
Maybe it's just me. I could be ignorant.
"The software will run faster for you" Log Deleter runtime Firewall Bypass runtime Log UnDeleter runtime Unhide Files runtime
How exactly do these run faster? Or am I correct in thinking it's a waste of points?
Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / IP already mapped
on: May 28, 2009, 04:37:27 PM
When new IP addresses containing a "Secret faction board" are added to your database, the "IP Already Mapped" error appears. The IP does get added to the database, but the error message appears when you add it.