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HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Guide update - Revelation Day
on: August 25, 2008, 08:41:46 PM
 it blows that we've been forced to this......... as it stands i have been going more and more inactive as time goes by........... because i simply don't see the point anymore, as a lot of other higher ranking players have been saying, the game lacks the fun it started with, i used to be able to slip into a server, install a virii real quick, and have myself a new farm............ now it's that i have to wait and wait, and sometimes never get it because newbie is based purely on hardware (i still believe this is stupid) i also see the potential on this, and let us not forget that you could simply keep track of all of the 1.0+ truelights and install on all of them, or have people helping you, in addition to strong players also, the very nature of the game demands resets.......... i found tiaks server, and i scanned him, and he has a undeleter 34.? already......... he's not even the strongest player, this should tell you something............. or that might just be my opinion
HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Guide update - Revelation Day
on: August 23, 2008, 10:04:42 PM
0.o? that was per 6 hours........... ri?....................... well, i was putting idea out there, jus disregard it then
and yes, the i.p. change would be nice, and would make things much harder on this, but again, do this on THE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!! not the already established one
HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Newbie protection
on: August 23, 2008, 08:59:49 PM
it's a good habit to get into, i can't even buy upgrades without my mouse jumping over where logs would be........ lol
i'm from the original 1000 players that joined,so i remember when it was free game to destroy anyone (those who have been around me from the beginning know what my favorite thing to do was XP, tho now it has become picking on anything with EoD on it! (p.s. sry ric, u brought it on urself))
so just bounce, period, and also get a i.p. cloaker higher than 0.2 (or ur still vulnerable on publics)
HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Guide update - Revelation Day
on: August 23, 2008, 08:53:45 PM
he has a point........ i for one have put over a month of on/off playing into the game, NOW! as it is this is just like AP, a LOT of players are probably going to quit because of this, i hope you understand this emi, just like when AP was introduced, this is NOT the best of ideas......... i think with some refinement that this could be a good idea (as i stated in an earlier post) we also have to take into account just what players can DO with it, it would take 60 hours (or 2 1/2 days) to get a chain of revelations going, now, for a player in the top 10, thats no big deal, they can shoot down 10 disinfects at once no problem, and also install on a couple of their own servers, this is a limitation that is placed on the lower players who have only 1 good, full strength server
so can this PLEASe be the premier of the 2nd server instead of a killer for the 1st!!!!
HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Guide update - Revelation Day
on: August 23, 2008, 07:58:31 PM
i'm afraid that this also gives people in groups a rather large advantage, and could we also possibly set the event to take place on the weekend (for rather obvious reasons)
i would to also know what the specs on the virus are, such as how much cpu/ram it will take, and additionally, the more i think about it the more i think players with servers that they can sacrifice will be in a much better position (ie crl, or soviet, or raistlin) so shouldn't it be impossible to install on your own server?
and also, this is supposed to be the persistent world (i hate to be on the bandwagon, but i'm going with it anyway) so there needs to be some limitations to the revelation virus.......... like a 1 hour minimum sitting time?
HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Guide update - Revelation Day
on: August 23, 2008, 09:35:28 AM
no.................. we're aiming to have a BIG overload bomb.............................. i kinda like the idea ^^, just make it so that there's a chance to last through the day 0.0, and also, the 1.0+ server idea makes it a bit ........... biased, on who can do it, but i understand why
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / New virii
on: August 15, 2008, 04:12:09 PM
i propose a new a new kind of virus
The backdoor virus
what it does: once it is installed you can get into the server even if the password is changed, but it does not give you the i.p. if you change i.p.s, you must be hunted down again
the virus is a small one, and it leaves a log trace (as all other virii), it would be especially useful when trying to get back into a private server (balance for the sniffer!), the virus is temporary and would last only 48 hours before needing to be reinstalled (because computers change themselves every so often, and therefore back doors don't stay open forever)
-do not flame me, i'm not staying to get flamed, you just be talking to yourself
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: over powered newbie protection
on: July 29, 2008, 11:58:44 AM
no, i was trying to help those who visit forums, and newbie server gone anyway, some killed entire server
and i found him on different server, and i wanted to pwn the server so i could make it into another farm
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: idea!
on: July 26, 2008, 01:54:28 AM
um, no, and my original point was on file recovery, and there would be like a 5 minute minimum if i had my way.......
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Donation ad
on: July 26, 2008, 01:12:46 AM
maybe we could choose to be quick and have a flash game, or we could let the numbers to the work and have it take a while, would give older players a deserved advantage and newbies a chance......... any ideas on what kind??? maybe a TD game, or maybe somen like the 16 squares game (hard as hell!!!!!!!!!)
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: idea!
on: July 26, 2008, 12:35:58 AM
this is a secondary options for people who don't want to lose their high lvl stuff............. and is also useful for recovering virii deleted on servers
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / idea!
on: July 26, 2008, 12:32:47 AM
since delete is faster, it's easier for people to lose programs, right??? so, in answer of the scream for balance (may it be never ending  ) maybe all deleted programs still take up a little bit of space, and ca be recovered??? there are similar programs in real life, and i believe that this could be useful, and would also inspire people to be more friendly............ (the groups sir emi! the groups! we need them ingame!) and maybe we should also have deleters now, if this is to take place, but they are automatically 0.106 and are in your server from start i would like to see whats said about this, and unfortunately is accepted or hits the road..........