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General Category / HP History / Re: To all whom may care
on: September 03, 2008, 04:38:19 PM
well SGP if you say doing missions that affect others that are on faith side is being pro-revelation then would you not be pro-revelation by claiming servers to you self (i know not many but still) because you take the air others would need to maybe research faith by them self. or even people who make money by doing AVs (being pro-mega corp).
to me it seems that you want everyone depending on you by providing the "best" software for free the newst Faith AV and such but with the addition to not use it on you (the other software)
that sure sounds two sided to me...
and now i confused myself...
good night
General Category / HP History / Re: SGP Announcement
on: August 02, 2008, 04:50:28 PM
wow the group that first was so against spyware now uses it it self. iam so disapointed in you guys. not only claiming servers that were empty and taken in by others - no you even take advantage of those who installed viriis on those servers. i lost due to your spywares around 3k thas half of my income i so dont trust in your words anymore - and the story i heard from one of my friends i heard today makes it even worse. i lost trust in SGP are there even any Secret Servers we can use? i mean your 60% claim includes more and more servers so if one finds an empty server that is not on your list yet - that server might get added 2 weeks later screwing the guy over..... quite a easy living!