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1  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Lisa - the True Light mentor on: August 06, 2008, 11:29:52 AM
lol nice work emi. One of your better additions ;)

*drool* bye lisa *drool* XD (NAw plenty of real life here)

And yes you can reconnect her in your account management page (Extra edit since you posted when I posted >.<)

2  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: see owned virii in "Running Software" on: July 21, 2008, 02:50:49 AM
Hands down, great improvement

3  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Action Points - major update on: July 21, 2008, 02:44:54 AM
Quote from: virus man
You did not post that in the OP so based on the information initially give the calcs are right ;)  But that is good that the new player will get an extra 3000 however how do you figure 4440 total when they will only be able to hold 3000?   Will they have a temporary 1 week of 5000 max?

I think the system wasn't made to bring the points down to the max if they go over, I think it just won't add more if you're at 3000 (Or above in this case)

Anyway the reason I dislike this idea is that up to now, this was one of the few games that allowed playing for a whole day. Hence it has kept people busy for 48 hours (afaik) but it also allows playing for just 10-15 min. which means you have a very big player base.
By the feature just implemented (the so called AP system) you have just drasticly limited this play time.
The reason I play this game is because I can log in stay however long I want, then go offline.
I have forgotten about a whole lot of other games because I log in, do some stuff and am forced to logout because I have nothing more to do or have to wait 2 hours to do something. I just don't like to be on for that short a period. Now you are probably going to say, hey 3k AP is not a short period of time. But guess what, once I've used those 3k of AP I'll be sitting here waiting untill I can do something again, and if you get 1440 ap in 24 hours. that means that with 10 hours of sleep and 14 hours of playing I'll get about 600 ap. and that's alot less then I can use.

I'll see what you do with so many people complaining. I know you're trying to deliver us a great balanced game. But all I say is that although your doing a great job already try to listen to what people say about new functions and don't just debunk them because you know it's better. Sometimes the playerbase you have is just dumb but you'll have to statisfy us nonetheless. That's the point of this anyway isn't it?

Just tell me if I'm dead wrong and my apologies if I've been harsh I've tried to stay friendly

4  General Category / Hi. My name is... / Re: Hi I'm jem6502 on: July 17, 2008, 09:37:45 AM
lol welcome, and I see you've formed an opinion which (I think) alot of people (partly) support.

I hope you have fun anyway :D

5  General Category / Hi. My name is... / Re: Checking in.. on: July 17, 2008, 09:15:02 AM
>.< doh

And Japanese people are made in japan, I know a few more like those.

Except for dutch folks, we're made in the netherlands  5'

6  General Category / Hi. My name is... / Re: Sup Wit It on: July 17, 2008, 09:13:47 AM
lol dave what's up with you?

*Pokes nolkillerklowns* Don't mind him

Wilkommen, welcome, welkom, bonjour.

7  General Category / Hi. My name is... / Re: Hello.. on: July 17, 2008, 09:12:42 AM
Maybe..  14

What sort of an answer is that?  21

Welcome DrJones from the star ship enterprise, or something near that :')

8  Hacker Project CafĂ© / Whatever / Re: Rofl unix poem on: July 16, 2008, 03:55:31 AM
lol thx 4 D link 17
9  HP Info Terminal / News & Updates / Re: Virus Breaker now available on: July 15, 2008, 02:27:26 PM
Well, it's a new tool the Virus Breaker, maybe it will be re-balanced, maybe the capture time will be increased, we'll see...

But for now, if you don't like it, you can always switch to File Share virus, it's a less desired target for capture and it takes a lot longer.

Just quoting you on that sentence, it's interpetable (Written correctly?) in two ways, and in both you are right. It takes longer to capture. However there's quite a few servers (Players mostly) where you can't stuff file shares on because they don't have BW or resources. Als it takes longer to upload or activate a file share virus so it's easily canceled before you're done.

I agree with the rest, Virus Capture + IP Change == God Mode and
 if ($godMode == "active") { $players--; } 
10  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Files ordening on: July 15, 2008, 01:41:16 PM
Make it public so we can see for ourselves what's on and not that'd take you alot less to scan through suggestions cause there's less duplicates!!!! :O
11  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: NPC servers repair themselves. on: July 15, 2008, 01:37:53 PM

12  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Challenging servers for higher users on: July 15, 2008, 05:19:17 AM
delete and go through at least one ultra populated server >.>

That does not help due to the proxy time stamps.   The only thing it does is make it so you have to go farther back in the logs which does not take much time once you learn how to guesstimate.

and how many people can actually do that? and it takes time and it would take someone really dedicated to hit the next button 80 times..........

Anyone can do it and you don't have to click next each time.  Only the first time.  After that you should have a rough idea of how many entries you will have to go through and then just look at your address bar.

Right so far I didn't really think about using my address bar :') + If someone hops at 5 sec interval then waites 3 min. you've pretty much screwed the system.
13  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: newbie help on: July 15, 2008, 05:11:38 AM
I would sign this with addition to the IRC being promoted more as alot of top ranked players hang around there and it's a nice way to get instant answers, only problem now being with only  7 people or so on there there's only 2 or so active at a time.

and I claim scrixx, he's cool  7

14  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: "Virus Breaker" - Capture virus tool on: July 15, 2008, 05:07:20 AM
I'll vote for 12h-24h since I've been basicly monitoring my gateway every 5 min. (Inc. my virusses) for a couple of hours yesterday, to find myself taking an 45 min. break, coming back, my spyware gone meaning I''ve lost control over all the adware on there (Long story why there's spyware on there not going to explain)  2

Thanks to help of somebody who logged on and disinfected the spyware I now can collect my adware, but it was annoying as hell since there was also other peoples adware on there  4


Oh and where about does that warning come that they're taking over? I haven't seen any big bright red flashing letters
now that would be clear
15  General Category / Hi. My name is... / Re: My name is on: July 15, 2008, 04:43:27 AM
Yeh he did  14
BTW you get your ass back on IRC :o'
(I'll be out of town for a few days with limited access, back on saturday :P)
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