I was just starting a discussion with them about group functions.

I posted the link to this thread in the moderator section. I feel that you have some good ideas there, Ebolla and that these are things which require our attention.
Additionally, I would like to see some more community support for these, some responses, agreements, or arguments.
Log Undeleter 0.1 is missing from the True Light servers This actually happened back with Virus Breaker was FIRST introduced
PvP Aspects of the game Broken down into sub-sections
Ah, yes... I think I recall that one now. Definitely a priority.
15 Process limit especially with the increasing cost of additional servers.
I'm unclear on this one. Are you suggesting that the max processes be restricted to 15 total on a server or that there is a limit of 15 and that needs to be lifted? I've not hit a 15 process limit yet, so I was assuming the former.
Faith/Revelations impossible to stop. I suggested back when SGP was doing all the data crunching on these that Faith and Revelations BOTH be able to be killed remotely for a cost equal to HALF of the completion. For Example. If Revelations costs 3K AP to complete the installation then it would cost 1.5K to kill the process
I like.
IP Change is still god mode. Many have made suggestions to fix this including SGP
But how to fix this? IP change kills all remote processes? IP change costs AP? IP change cost increases with frequency of use?
IP Store should cost more AP to use. AP cost should increase with the level of software requested. More options with the IP Store. This would in turn make PvP more viable by the big boys/girls targetting each other more often.
Sounds good to me.
AP regeneration. Should allow some way to temporarily increase AP regeneration based on PvP actions or perhaps create 2 seperate AP pools. 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP.
I haven't played for two days because I ran out of AP... And all I was doing was installing virii on my private farms.

Virus Identifier needs to have it's chances of finding an IP increased as well as working on Revelations AND Spyware. This again would increase the ability for PvP.
I don't think I've ever managed to pull an IP from a VI even when the VI version I was using was ten times greater than the version of the virus I was using it on. Additionally, why wouldn't spyware return an IP? It's reporting to someone out there with an IP. It's hard to find targets for PvP when the game won't let you hunt them down and the only reliable sources is bulk purchase from the IP dealer.
AP costs for killing PvP actions on your own servers. Perhaps have it as half the cost as normal. This will bring strategy into PvP by forcing you to always keep AP on hand to counter PvP actions against your own servers.
Interesting. Sounds reasonable too.
Put a halt on ALL further additions until the Task List has been completed and official support for Groups has been installed. I know a lot of people may not play Eve-Online but setting up the group support using ideas from Eve would work very nicely. I will create a seperate post for that so it is broken down and utilizes suggestions from other players as well.
As stated, I'd started to approach the subject in the moderator discussion section.
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