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"Subverting tyranny is the highest duty."
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Author Topic: Things that have needed fixing for 4+ months  (Read 6436 times)
virus man
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« on: February 26, 2009, 07:54:34 AM »

Log Undeleter 0.1 is missing from the True Light servers  This actually happened back with Virus Breaker was FIRST introduced
PvP Aspects of the game  Broken down into sub-sections

15 Process limit especially with the increasing cost of additional servers.

Faith/Revelations impossible to stop.  I suggested back when SGP was doing all the data crunching on these that Faith and Revelations BOTH be able to be killed remotely for a cost equal to HALF of the completion.  For Example.  If Revelations costs 3K AP to complete the installation then it would cost 1.5K to kill the process

IP Change is still god mode.  Many have made suggestions to fix this including SGP

IP Store should cost more AP to use.  AP cost should increase with the level of software requested.  More options with the IP Store.  This would in turn make PvP more viable by the big boys/girls targetting each other more often.

AP regeneration.  Should allow some way to temporarily increase AP regeneration based on PvP actions or perhaps create 2 seperate AP pools. 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP.

Virus Identifier needs to have it's chances of finding an IP increased as well as working on Revelations AND Spyware.  This again would increase the ability for PvP.

AP costs for killing PvP actions on your own servers.  Perhaps have it as half the cost as normal.  This will bring strategy into PvP by forcing you to always keep AP on hand to counter PvP actions against your own servers.

Put a halt on ALL further additions until the Task List has been completed and official support for Groups has been installed.  I know a lot of people may not play Eve-Online but setting up the group support using ideas from Eve would work very nicely.  I will create a seperate post for that so it is broken down and utilizes suggestions from other players as well.

Moderators here is your chance to show the patrons that the management will listen and work towards correcting issues.

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 02:33:30 PM »

I was just starting a discussion with them about group functions.  5

I posted the link to this thread in the moderator section. I feel that you have some good ideas there, Ebolla and that these are things which require our attention.

Additionally, I would like to see some more community support for these, some responses, agreements, or arguments.

Log Undeleter 0.1 is missing from the True Light servers  This actually happened back with Virus Breaker was FIRST introduced
PvP Aspects of the game  Broken down into sub-sections

Ah, yes... I think I recall that one now. Definitely a priority.

15 Process limit especially with the increasing cost of additional servers.

I'm unclear on this one. Are you suggesting that the max processes be restricted to 15 total on a server or that there is a limit of 15 and that needs to be lifted? I've not hit a 15 process limit yet, so I was assuming the former.

Faith/Revelations impossible to stop.  I suggested back when SGP was doing all the data crunching on these that Faith and Revelations BOTH be able to be killed remotely for a cost equal to HALF of the completion.  For Example.  If Revelations costs 3K AP to complete the installation then it would cost 1.5K to kill the process

I like.

IP Change is still god mode.  Many have made suggestions to fix this including SGP

But how to fix this? IP change kills all remote processes? IP change costs AP? IP change cost increases with frequency of use?

IP Store should cost more AP to use.  AP cost should increase with the level of software requested.  More options with the IP Store.  This would in turn make PvP more viable by the big boys/girls targetting each other more often.

Sounds good to me.

AP regeneration.  Should allow some way to temporarily increase AP regeneration based on PvP actions or perhaps create 2 seperate AP pools. 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP.

I haven't played for two days because I ran out of AP... And all I was doing was installing virii on my private farms.  10

Virus Identifier needs to have it's chances of finding an IP increased as well as working on Revelations AND Spyware.  This again would increase the ability for PvP.

I don't think I've ever managed to pull an IP from a VI even when the VI version I was using was ten times greater than the version of the virus I was using it on. Additionally, why wouldn't spyware return an IP? It's reporting to someone out there with an IP. It's hard to find targets for PvP when the game won't let you hunt them down and the only reliable sources is bulk purchase from the IP dealer.

AP costs for killing PvP actions on your own servers.  Perhaps have it as half the cost as normal.  This will bring strategy into PvP by forcing you to always keep AP on hand to counter PvP actions against your own servers.

Interesting. Sounds reasonable too.

Put a halt on ALL further additions until the Task List has been completed and official support for Groups has been installed.  I know a lot of people may not play Eve-Online but setting up the group support using ideas from Eve would work very nicely.  I will create a seperate post for that so it is broken down and utilizes suggestions from other players as well.

As stated, I'd started to approach the subject in the moderator discussion section.

Moderators here is your chance to show the patrons that the management will listen and work towards correcting issues.

That is what we're here for.  5
virus man
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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 10:27:37 PM »

15 Process limit especially with the increasing cost of additional servers.

I'm unclear on this one. Are you suggesting that the max processes be restricted to 15 total on a server or that there is a limit of 15 and that needs to be lifted? I've not hit a 15 process limit yet, so I was assuming the former.

Right now when you "attack" someone there are several ways of doing it.  Sadly one of the ways that used to be used in the past was restricted by the 15 process limit.  Now granted for the NPC servers the 15 Process limit allows others the chance to do missions being as several public servers last night had in excess of 30+ log deleters and undeleters with missions on them.  But for a PvP game, which is what Titam has stated he wants, the 15 process limit reduces what we can and can not do.   Now to counter this being abused there could be an AP Charge at the beginning of each process instead of at the end of each process.  Again this is designed to make the game require strategy and tactics.  Example.  Lets say I was to hack you and wanted to frag your server.  I could "start" 200 delete processes with my real intentions hidden in those.  By charging the AP up front I would need to use 1,000 AP to do it since a delete process takes 5 ap to complete..

IP Change is still god mode.  Many have made suggestions to fix this including SGP

But how to fix this? IP change kills all remote processes? IP change costs AP? IP change cost increases with frequency of use?
This has been bashed to death but the most favorable, at least from the suggestions over the past several months regarding it, is that it cancels ALL remote processes both incoming and outgoing.
Personally to counter the increasing income, I would have it increase by a percentage each time it is used both in HPD and AP usage.  To make it still a viable way to "hide" we could lower the starting costs of using it.  Maybe charge 100hpd and 30ap the first time it is used with a 10% increase for each use or something like that.

Virus Identifier needs to have it's chances of finding an IP increased as well as working on Revelations AND Spyware.  This again would increase the ability for PvP.

I don't think I've ever managed to pull an IP from a VI even when the VI version I was using was ten times greater than the version of the virus I was using it on. Additionally, why wouldn't spyware return an IP? It's reporting to someone out there with an IP. It's hard to find targets for PvP when the game won't let you hunt them down and the only reliable sources is bulk purchase from the IP dealer.
Yeah VI is one of those great ideas that was poorly implemented.   You get 1 chance per virus to pull a random IP belonging to the owner but per Titam it does not work for Spyware or Revelations.  So it only works on HPD generating Virii and Malware.   This feature needs to be relooked at and retuned now that it has been in the game for about 6 months give or take.
To make VI a viable tool for PvP the chance of finding an IP needs to be scaled to the version VS version and it needs to work on Spyware as well as Revelations.


SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
virus man
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Posts: 985

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« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2009, 01:48:19 AM »

Wow no one else cares about the game anymore but 1 mod and the long time leader of SGP who continually tries to improve the game?

That really saddens me greatly and now I see why so many long time players have been quitting the game and moving on.

I know I have been fighting an uphill battle with the fact that Titam hates SGP and all the beta testing as well as support we have given the game.  If for nothing else than he thinks all we care about are ourselves.   It is sad really as the majority of the suggestions made for this game came from SGP and would hurt SGP while at the same time making the game more level on the playing field as well as improving the PvP side of the game greatly.

I know many don't like SGP because even taking a several month break on Round 2 we are already coming into the top 10 rapidly and easily and that always generates distrust, envy, and other negative feelings.  Even though we did this mainly to show that the game needs improvement badly.  I mean I only put about 30 minutes a day into the game myself and I am getting close to the Top 10 as well.

But I guess that combined with the lack of interest in discussing the problems in the OP as well as the total lack of discussion on the group/alliance suggestion that was pulled from ideas made by players both in and out of SGP and how easily we are coming into the Top 10 yet again just goes to show how many people have given up on this game.

So my question to you all is simply this.  Should I, Ebolla leader of SGP, stop fighting to improve this game so we can get more players and more diversity or not?
Devs, Mods, and Players alike are requested to respond to this question. If you want to stay anonymous then shoot me a PM with your Answer.   After 1 week I will tally up the totals, post them, and go from there.

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
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Guilty as charged

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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 02:44:41 AM »

i find that if i cant add nothing new to an discussion then there is no reason for me to join in it.

however - you requested feed back so.....

thumbs up for the 15+ processes - i requested this in another thread somewhere.

as for all the pvp aspects - i dont care much for them i'm a pve player and i dont see why people wish to hurt other peoples gameplay. but horses for courses

however i agree 100% with the alliances/ groups ideas - as i think people playing together as a team improves the game play of all those concerned - however if they gang up to hurt another player then i think they are all <censored> but again its horses for courses, i know war exists in this world and for those that enjoy it so be it.

for those of you who have met me in game - you will know that i try to be diplomatic and suggest peaceful resolutions and am willing to trade rather than invade your personal space, trash all your hard work and leave you wondering if there is a point in rebuilding the great empire you had....

you wonder why so many leave the game maybe its because there is too much pvp ??? - i dont know - i can adapt and hope to survive  any onslaught - but if i was to awake and find all my files deleted and back at square 1 - then i guess i would be out of here too.

you wanted feedback - you got it.

peace out and gl getting the changes you requested.
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« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 03:39:56 AM »

Well i got to say my reason for being close to leave the games remains at Emi.

He is far to inactive and makeing far to small updates. Of course then i don't know if he is planning something big but he is useing a lot of time on it if he is.

The other reason is AP. That is THE GAME KILLER. It limits me from doing anything else but install a few FS a day. No space for PvP or anything else. So i agree on your idea.

I just got to say one thing. This game won't get you far if you play alone and groups will make the advantage even bigger it might be Emi wanted to make it so you can work alone.
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« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 10:56:42 AM »

I've made a reaction by sending a message to Ebolla. I thought that would be more appropriate.

To all of you reading this topic: both the moderators are working on making good suggestions and be certain that we are using the information provided by the community to make the suggestions interesting for the entire community and not just ourselves or groups of people.
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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2009, 05:25:50 PM »

Look, Ebola and other - would you please CHILL?

Yeah, so you are a good player. Yeah, so you are experienced by doing good last round. Yeah, so you are a leader of so called SGP. So WHAT?

All you do is complain. This isn't done. That isn't done. This should be different. That should change. This, that, yadayada.

Give us a break, man!

If you don't like it - go, take a year off and create your own version of HP. Or SGP. Or SNAFU or whatever. Then we will come and trash it all over. Trust me, I personally can find then at least 30 things that could be done better. Then after listening to users complaining for few months, I would like to see you enthusiastically fixing and changing the whole game.

And about your so called expertise - if you play it doesn't mean that you are right at everything. If that would be true, then I am more right this round than you are. I'm higher, and not even in a group, even less a leader of a group. True?

If you will check, I too posted some bugs and suggestions. And that's it. I continue playing with the game we have. And I d**n enjoy it. When and IF the suggested changes will be posted - it's up to Emi, it's his friggin game! And don't start about gold accounts and money and such - all gold players got what they payed for - cheaper resources and some stuff to simplify the game. Nowhere in disclaimer it says that if you pay you are entitled to asswipping by the creator of the game.

So. Play the game if you want. Stop if you want. I (and I believe some other players too) don't give a monkeys droppings about that. So you pointed out some bugs and some changes - THANK YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Now shut the something up about that. Help with contributing and stop whining about the so called wrongdoings towards you. Or whatever you want to call that. To Emi: as a programmer I know how tough life earning can be and how little time we sometimes have for some things. I do know (and you already show that) that time will come when you will check few more tasks done and we will be either congratulating you for them or complaining how difficult and wrong it is. But they will be done eventually. And we will continue playing.

So, Virus man, will this reply be enough so that you won't whine anymore about how nobody else responds?

« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2009, 07:04:46 PM »

I don't see this becoming anything but a flame fest. Respond in PM and keep it civil. If there's enough public outcry, I may unlock this again.
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