I am unsure whether or not this problem is know, but I am going to post it anyway.
The following could be considered a visual bug. I am aware that it does not compromise HP game play, but by definition it is still a bug so I posted it.
Type Original Amount Remaining Date / Time
Collect All 42,849.82 189,806.08 232,655.90 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.20 41,661.62 03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak 42,849.82 -1,188.13 41,661.69 03-May-2009 14:31
I copied this from my Finances page, in total there were 118 Collects(FSV v0.1 and v0.4) made with the same amount.
The virii are all on my own server(Remnant Farm), I know that the Factions update steals HPD instead of generating them. After the Collect All I have HPD 42,849.82, which is correct.
The bug I am referring to is probably caused by the way which HP displays Collect All in the Finance Log.
Remaining shows the Original value + the gained AmountOriginal + Amount = Remaining
42,849.82 + 189,806.08 = 232,655.90
Amount is the sum of all gained HPDAmount = ∑(gain)
Collect All ran on: 142 * v0.4 FSV and 75 * v0.1 FSV | Amount of Virii; X
Individual Gain is: 1188.20 and 297.03 | Amount of Gain; Y
Amount = ∑(gain) = (X
1 * Y
1) + (X
2 * Y
2) = (142 * 1188.20) + (75 * 297.03)
Amount = 189,806.08 HPD
Amount does not sum up all the virii leaks, because non-player virii also steal HPD.
Lost HPD by other virii might be covered up by Collect All that way.
Individually it works because there is nothing to sum, so gain=loss
File Share Virus V 0.1 running on for the last 4.86 hours... collected 291.65 HPD
Finance Logs
Type Original Amount Remaining Date/Time
File Share Virus 42,849.82 291.65 43,141.47 03-May-2009 14:25
Virus leak 42,849.82 -291.65 42,558.17 03-May-2009 14:25
This can be solved by giving virii a target check (which I have no doubt about that such command already exists, so its easily added).
->StolenHPD - StolenHPD = StolenHPDThat way if it steals from its owner the gained/lossed HPD value always return as 0
Thus, own virii's stealing your own HPD;
Amount = ∑(gain) = (X1 * Y1) + (X2 * Y2) = (142 * 0) + (75 * 0)
Amount = 0 HPD
Original + Amount = Remaining
42,849.82 + 0 = 42,849.82Finances Log
Type Original Amount Remaining Date/Time
File Share Virus 42,849.82 291.65 43,141.47 03-May-2009 14:25
Virus leak 42,849.82 -291.65 42,558.17 03-May-2009 14:25
Type Original Amount Remaining Date/Time
File Share Virus 42,849.82 0 42,849.82 03-May-2009 14:25
Virus leak 42,849.82 0 42,849.82 03-May-2009 14:25
You can even add
VirusLeak = 0 (HPD)
->Remove that eventAs no harm was done to your HPDs
And yeah I know, I am bored as hell to even bother about it. But at least it was kinda challanging :P