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Author Topic: What's up with this?  (Read 7250 times)
BB Grim
Posts: 17

Grim is as Grim does.

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« on: March 26, 2013, 12:49:06 AM »

I think a group would be a good idea, but then I read the goofy spite posts and see the really ancient dates on most of the forum posts and I have to ask...What is actually going on here? Is this game alive? It looks like it could be cool, but it is hard to get a grip on. Is there a group out there I could get into that will help me get my feet on the ground?

BB Grim

Because the World is a Grim Place
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 01:06:19 AM »

It's more alive in the game than in the forum, but it's always had a tenuous grasp on life.
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« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2013, 11:24:03 AM »

Even then, the numbers on both the game and forums are bloated with junk accounts.

If Emi ever decided to purge the spam accounts (On forums) or the accounts that have never been used in the last few years (in game) then we'd have less then a fifth of our current numbers.

Same with purging the never used groups. We've got 170 groups. Purge the never used ones - The ones that haven't had their member amount updated, and whose only members have never logged in for the last round or three - and we'd cut that number down to 30 or so.

Purging the in game accounts wouldn't be that hard - Emi's already programmed in a feature that shows how long it's been since the person last logged in. All he needs to do it tie it in with the reset, have those never used account marked on a reset and set to delete after a few marks. Even without a direct purge on dead groups this would slash the number by around 100 or so.

As far as I know, purging the forum accounts would have to be done manually. But thats not much of a issue - I've purged a forum last year and most of the time it's as easy as just looking at the email they used to register with.

Adding capchas to the game registration and mod/admin approval for forum accounts would cut down on junk accounts, a lot.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 11:28:30 AM by asdfth12 » Logged
BB Grim
Posts: 17

Grim is as Grim does.

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« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 11:33:21 PM »

So what about finding a group to play in? Any suggestions? I really need some guidance that is delivered better than the nonsense in the tutorials.

BB Grim

Because the World is a Grim Place
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Posts: 152

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« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2013, 12:19:27 AM »

The in game tutorial hasn't been updated in like... nuts, 2 or 3 years.

wdg would be a good starting group. It's been around for a few years - Not the most active around but a good choice for a new member. CDC would be another choice but I'm not sure if they are recruiting. Last I heard wdg will take pretty much anyone though.
BB Grim
Posts: 17

Grim is as Grim does.

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« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 11:17:17 AM »

Is it just me, or did someone clean up the Group list overnight? It seems there is a whole lot less to look at than two days ago.

BB Grim

Because the World is a Grim Place
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Posts: 152

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« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 12:45:20 PM »

Nah - Nothing was changed. Still got 170 groups, vast majority being dead.
BB Grim
Posts: 17

Grim is as Grim does.

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« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2013, 03:56:55 PM »

Too bad. It makes the game look totally neglected to have so much garbage on the board/page. I am always leery of spending money on sites that refuse to clean up dead stuff on a regular basis. It looks like they need the added junk to make themselves seem viable, when in fact, all that clutter just says "We don't care about this site."

BB Grim

Because the World is a Grim Place
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