« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2008, 02:52:44 AM » |
And I love how this feature gets implemented after a decent amount of players have already shipped money over, not expecting that their play time would be limited.
I was getting ready financially to donate $100 just in time for a large batch of research to be completed, but why do that now? I wouldn't pay for a ****ing game that tells you that you can only play so much during the course of a day.
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2008, 04:13:31 AM » |
And I love how this feature gets implemented after a decent amount of players have already shipped money over, not expecting that their play time would be limited.
I was getting ready financially to donate $100 just in time for a large batch of research to be completed, but why do that now? I wouldn't pay for a ****ing game that tells you that you can only play so much during the course of a day.
Likewise, I thought that HP was unique because it didn't have "action points" meaning it didn't limit you to how much you could play. I though that that is what made it fun for me and seeing as though it will limit my game time I might as well quit. And that's what I might do. I don't think AP is that good of an idea and HP's population may drop cause of this, but some people may like it.. I've quit many games because of this "limit" and it makes it boring and usually when you need it the most this "limit" will turn on you the last very second.
Hiya! I'm a friendly person, and I like to make new friends :]. I'm very helpful and kind, I keep searching for people who would be there for me and talk to me, and in return I will always be there for them. Let me know if you need anything and I will see what i can do.
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2008, 04:15:47 AM » |
And I love how this feature gets implemented after a decent amount of players have already shipped money over, not expecting that their play time would be limited.
I was getting ready financially to donate $100 just in time for a large batch of research to be completed, but why do that now? I wouldn't pay for a ****ing game that tells you that you can only play so much during the course of a day.
Likewise, I thought that HP was unique because it didn't have "action points" meaning it didn't limit you to how much you could play. I though that that is what made it fun for me and seeing as though it will limit my game time I might as well quit. And that's what I might do. I don't think AP is that good of an idea and HP's population may drop cause of this, but some people may like it.. I've quit many games because of this "limit" and it makes it boring and usually when you need it the most this "limit" will turn on you the last very second. /signed, I'm also on the "may quit" list. We'll see how much it affects the game.
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2008, 04:19:55 AM » |
And I love how this feature gets implemented after a decent amount of players have already shipped money over, not expecting that their play time would be limited.
I was getting ready financially to donate $100 just in time for a large batch of research to be completed, but why do that now? I wouldn't pay for a ****ing game that tells you that you can only play so much during the course of a day.
Likewise, I thought that HP was unique because it didn't have "action points" meaning it didn't limit you to how much you could play. I though that that is what made it fun for me and seeing as though it will limit my game time I might as well quit. And that's what I might do. I don't think AP is that good of an idea and HP's population may drop cause of this, but some people may like it.. I've quit many games because of this "limit" and it makes it boring and usually when you need it the most this "limit" will turn on you the last very second. /signed, I'm also on the "may quit" list. We'll see how much it affects the game. Ugh man you don't know how mad I am. I loved this game, and i was on it 24/7 ( literally, exept for when i pass out ). But this "action point" bleh forget it. Either i move on to EVE ( I was planning to quit that and spend the money on HP instead but nooo not anymore ) orr i go to this weird game i just tried out today lol
Hiya! I'm a friendly person, and I like to make new friends :]. I'm very helpful and kind, I keep searching for people who would be there for me and talk to me, and in return I will always be there for them. Let me know if you need anything and I will see what i can do.
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2008, 05:24:36 AM » |
Oh well. It seems I am the first one who really likes the basic idea, even though I understand that the current implementation will probably create new balancing issues.
If these issues are addressed and fixed, I think that the AP system will be effective for protecting the interests of less active players.
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2008, 05:39:05 AM » |
 I liked the game so much... Was active as long as i was awake.. And now these monstrous AP's come. I may be nameless, but i liked the game alot untill this. AP's may mean that less active players have a bit of an advantage with it. BUT without it everyone can play to their max, some players play no more than 20 minutes a day, others the whole day. Now the inactive ones can still play by their scheme, how they like it, but the other ones (like me) are limited and can't reach their time of satisfaction!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 05:47:42 AM by Caesar »
Faith stops Disaster
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2008, 05:48:37 AM » |
 I liked the game so much... Was active as long as i was awake.. And now these monstrous AP's come. I may be nameless, but i liked the game alot untill this. AP's may mean that less active players have a bit of an advantage with it. BUT without it everyone can play to their max, some players play no more than 20 minutes a day, others the whole day. Now the inactive ones can still play by their scheme, how they like it, but the other ones (like me) are limited and can't reach their time of satisfaction! Same =/
Hiya! I'm a friendly person, and I like to make new friends :]. I'm very helpful and kind, I keep searching for people who would be there for me and talk to me, and in return I will always be there for them. Let me know if you need anything and I will see what i can do.
Magna Carta

Posts: 28
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2008, 06:13:39 AM » |
I'd like to add my two cents if I may. I understand the reason for the change, but I have a few remarks concerning how it will affect newer players.
One of the reason I managed to climb the ranks this fast is because I did a lot (and I mean a lot) of small 5 or so HPD missions. Most of these would get ignored by other players, so I had a free hand. I also managed to pull a few bigger ones now and then, but I wouldn't be where I am without them. Now, since the AP cost is the same, the newer players will be even less encouraged to do these, which is bad. The problem is they do not pay much, so the AP cost is really not worth it.
Which brings me to a second point: this will actively encourage newer players to take on the higher paying missions, 1000 and 400 HPD missions (or maybe only 100 or so HPD), which brings them into conflict with older and better equipped players. What one can expect is more PVP (which some might wish), but newbies will get the short end of the stick in this, and get discouraged fast.
In the end, this system could actually work to the older players' advantage. They'll easily kick out the newbies from the important missions, leaving them with little means to upgrade their system and compete. 1440 AP's a day means 144 missions, at 5 HPD a pop, that's little more than 720 HPD a day to upgrade and research. Compare this with an older player who decides to take on a few 1000 HPD missions, because he needs to crack and stop the newbies who are attempting the same. It's easy to see who will manage to grow faster; this means more resources, leading to a deepening divide between the older and newer players).
I can appreciate your attempt to balance the game, but, in my view, this will actually unbalance the game even more.
Apart from that though, I should say I thoroughly enjoy your game, and to keep up the good work.
'I see no problems between us that could not be solved by your departure.' (Mark Twain)
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2008, 06:18:34 AM » |
What i forgot to add is that i have seen that newbies in alot of games (and me too) already doubt a game if they get confronted with AP's.
Faith stops Disaster

Posts: 16
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2008, 06:44:07 AM » |
In an attempt to balance the game it has instead turned into a system to prevent play. I seriously live off the low paying HPD missions which the competition is not great for but now I have to play AP to do a 5 HPD mission.. Why would I want to do that so now I'm forced to try some disinfects to gain $$ which puts me at greater risk of being hacked myself. This change puts players more in conflict with other players then may have been before. I was happy scraping by but not disturbing others work. I would also add that this game was great because I could play all day and then log off when I was ready, it has replaced a lot of other games in my playbook because of that but if I'm going to be limited by AP, I'm not going to advance enough to make this game worth the time to play.
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2008, 07:04:02 AM » |
i sign the post about this not being the game that gold members paid for =o
quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2008, 07:14:08 AM » |
The Real Hacker Project - 10/10
This AP "Hacker Project" - 1/10

Posts: 18
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2008, 07:19:06 AM » |
While i may be only a few weeks old in the game, but the whole AP's bites. Not only am i a gold member, but an active donater, but this just slowed down the very ideal of spendin money on a game that tells me how long to play (sigh*)
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2008, 07:21:42 AM » |
Petition to get rid of AP:
- Hatejacket
add your names if you would like to see it gone. Sadly though it'll probably be ineffective.
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2008, 07:22:58 AM » |
Petition to get rid of AP:
- Hatejacket - Caesar - - - - - - -
Now total: 2 people
Faith stops Disaster