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Author Topic: Guide update - Revelation Day  (Read 107329 times)
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« Reply #90 on: August 25, 2008, 10:53:03 PM »

Well, if you want to make this game more intresting, I think theres other ways to do it other than reset. For example, you could introduce a bypass software that can crack into all servers, disregarding their firewall and protect version, at cost of huge amount of AP and real life time. Then you can do the same for a special log undeleter, then you solved the problem of unhackable servers and put a limit on how far people research. Add more initiative for people to attack other people's server, for example, mega corp vs true light wars, you could make a very intresting game.

It is evident that the game is not as popular as before after this update  ( just check the online count, now days its 40 to 50 at one time compared to a week ago which is 80 to 100 )  2

Doomsday is Coming! Run for It!
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« Reply #91 on: August 26, 2008, 01:11:31 AM »

I'm sorry, but if your solution to the stalemate that is the Hacker Project is a "super bypass" that ignores the actual defense, then you may want to seek professional help. A server is only as valuable as the processes and software running on it and if anyone, regardless of their power, can hack into you and kill your protects, disinfects, and all your research, then nothing in the game has any value at all. Now, back on topic.

Updates against the desire of the general community tend to be bad, but the game has already survived through a few of them. Eventually all us older players will be gone, and no one will know how it was before. Voila, no more whining.
gs 059
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« Reply #92 on: August 26, 2008, 01:22:52 AM »

^^ it is ok, I will stay forever and whine for everyone...

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« Reply #93 on: August 26, 2008, 09:29:34 AM »

And I'll have read the forums enough to know the oldies that whined and whined  16
I wonder if the inevitable reset will make most of you quit, and all of the new players will have no idea what happened...  10
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« Reply #94 on: August 26, 2008, 01:34:57 PM »


But then again, maybe we'll see more people like Hatejacket, who take out their aggression on other players.

I know I've considered doing that.

I hack games, not computers, in my life.

I'm NOT SGP, no matter how much I support them on the forums. Let me know if you play.
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« Reply #95 on: August 26, 2008, 01:55:45 PM »

I will say this much.  If the current world gets reset then the next world had better watch out for SGP because the dogs of war shall be unleashed.

And people from the early days of this world know how competitive SGP can be if we put 50% of our effort into it.

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
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« Reply #96 on: August 26, 2008, 02:01:07 PM »

Will SGP accept outsiders to help? Because while I am not as competitive as Six Gun Project, I am more than willing to serve as a bullet.

I hack games, not computers, in my life.

I'm NOT SGP, no matter how much I support them on the forums. Let me know if you play.
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« Reply #97 on: August 26, 2008, 03:55:12 PM »

Heh... You said bullet.
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« Reply #98 on: August 26, 2008, 07:55:23 PM »

Updated the topic with the Revelation vs. Faith exact specifications.


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« Reply #99 on: August 26, 2008, 08:21:28 PM »

Siremi, I've been pretty quiet on the whole on the Revelation issue, cause honestly, I don't think it'll happen. That said, I think what a lot of us find painful is that you explicitly stated that this was a permanent world, and that resets would be something for the next server, perhaps. I don't mind that a reset is possible, I just mind that it's possible after you told us it wouldn't be. It seems like a cop-out to ignore the balance issues this game seems to be developing. If I'm wrong, by all means correct me; this is just how I feel.
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« Reply #100 on: August 27, 2008, 07:48:21 AM »

I agree with Raistlin but there is some other things that triggered this enormous reaction;
It seems like you dont care about your customers but only take those updates you would like to occure. Lets take the AP system; It caused several people to leave and many others to start question the fun they get out of this game. Do you want it to happen again? Listen carefully to your customers before doing an update like this or you will risk losing them.

My sweet Eleonore, show no fear,
for the fearful riders are all ear,
and they smell and tastes every tear.
But more importantly: They aren't here!
Therefore there is no reason to fear.
Not until they ride again, my dear.
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« Reply #101 on: August 27, 2008, 09:15:11 AM »

I agree with Raistlin but there is some other things that triggered this enormous reaction;
It seems like you dont care about your customers but only take those updates you would like to occure. Lets take the AP system; It caused several people to leave and many others to start question the fun they get out of this game. Do you want it to happen again? Listen carefully to your customers before doing an update like this or you will risk losing them.

Or worse. Think about the trouble Hatejaceket caused after the AP update (went around attacking players at random).

I hack games, not computers, in my life.

I'm NOT SGP, no matter how much I support them on the forums. Let me know if you play.
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« Reply #102 on: August 27, 2008, 10:14:11 AM »

A new round is the best time to introduce new updates to the game. If major new features / updates are introduced in a new round, it's less likely that will cause un-balance.

If we have a persistent HP server, it will have very few updates because of the balance issues that will create a discrepancy between higher and lower players.

HP is still in development and we want to introduce new awesome features, so that's why it will have rounds so that we can further develop the game.

As said earlier, we expect the first Revelation Day in about 2-3 months. Plenty of time to work on the new features that will come in the new round.

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« Reply #103 on: August 27, 2008, 10:28:53 AM »

Can you give us a promise that we can trust that some of what we want will be implemented?

For that matter, can you give a promise we can trust, period.

I will give you that restarting is a good way to implement new features, but I think I speak for many of us that we are far more interested in persistence than new features.

I hack games, not computers, in my life.

I'm NOT SGP, no matter how much I support them on the forums. Let me know if you play.
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« Reply #104 on: August 27, 2008, 10:37:06 AM »

Sir Emi, as someone who no longer has ANY selfish interest in this game, please listen to me. Since I no longer have an account or any way to profit/benefit from this game, believe me when I say that I'm posting on these forums for the benefit of HP, its players, and you. The only reason I'm still here is because I want this game to succeed!

The issue is here is not that people don't like your updates; it's not even that you're implementing rounds, even though you said you wouldn't - it's that no one here feels that you're actually listening to them. I'm sure you read our posts, but you never really respond to them... You only post more information about the updates you've already decided to do. It happened to me countless times while I was playing and I see it happening again to the people who are playing.

Rounds are a good thing... they're a very, very good thing because, as you said, it allows massive updates and puts everyone on equal footing again. But, have you considered that they players here may not WANT to be on equal footing? Even low players (the thoughtful ones, anyways) don't want rounds or updates that are to the disadvantage of the more powerful players. Why? Because they someday hope to BE those powerful players, and they know that the result of them attaining their goals and becoming more powerful is that someday your updates will hurt them, instead of those who used to be at the top.

Here's my unbiased suggestion, made because I want this game to succeed - take it or leave it: Keep the persistent world we have now. Eventually, it will become so unbalanced that players will either ask for rounds, or the playerbase will be big enough that you'll be able to add another world with rounds. I'm sure that if players FEEL they're being listened to (I emphasize feel because it's more important how people feel about a game than the reality of it. I do think you're listening now, players just don't feel that you are), then donations will increase and the game will grow even faster. I'd like to use myself as an example, if I may... In the first week of playing this game, I looked around the forum and it seemed that you were a developer that listened to the community. In that first week, I bought gold membership and told at least a dozen people about this game, several of them started playing. In the days/weeks that followed, I began to feel that you either didn't hear me, or didn't care about what I was saying. I didn't donate another penny and I haven't told another person about this game since. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is in this boat either.

I graduated with a Business major a few years ago. Please allow me to share one of the (few) things I learned  5 Your job in business is not to make the best or the most balanced game. Your job in business is to please your customers and keep them interested in your product. Most, if not all, of the changes you've made could still have been made if you listened to us... it just would have meant they were made a little later and the people here would have felt valued because they were heard. The AP system needed balancing (and still does, imo) after it was released and caused quite a stir here. Imagine how much better it would have been if we'd all had input... we'd probably still have an AP system, but it would be much more balanced and we'd actually WANT it because we were a part of making it.

I (always) have more I could say, but this post has grown quite long. Please consider my words Sir Emi, because I really do have your best interests in mind. Peace.
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