How would I activate 10 revelation virus.
Untested and purely theoretical, feel free to point out any errors.

The revelation virus has several differences compared to other type of virus, I ll just go for the easy way and quote Ged Crimsonclaw.
"So why worried? Some notes, as I understand them:
1. Faith can easily disinfect Revelation
2. Revelation is easily located - it would appear to not only broadcast its location, it also deletes all defenses on the host.
3. Any player that so much as downloads Revelation will be immediately targetable, due to the unique broadcast feature, again.
4. At 6 hours per install, no parallel installs, one install per player, a day countdown, needed is a minimum of 10 players and half a week (3.5 days) of uncontested time.
5. Top players will be researching Faith and providing it freely to all.
6. "Faith anti-virus is faster then a normal anti-virus" - so it moves fast
1) Virus can be disinfected very easily.
Unless I am wrong here, but i think localhost has to power to kill any remote delete processes. So if You keep a copy of uninstalled virus in in server and consitantly checking and killing all deletes, theoretically you could keep the virus there forever.
2) Revelation is easily located.
True, if you only have 1 virus in the whole net. What if there are 10, 100,1000, 10000, or even 500000? Then it would be pain to keep track of all the virus. I think its also possible for that to happen. Because, a) you can never delete a virus thats owned by a player.
b) It is possible to complete a download, using an IP reset or log deleter version 500000

( downloads can only be killed by either getting into your server, or the host kills it. )
3) Revelation negates defenses.
So what? let them come, they cant do much harm anyways until you actually start to install the virus.
4) Half week of activation time.
Ok there is probably no way around this one, as once the virus is installed, AV will kick in and disinfect the virus. The only way to do this is probably research till disinfecting time is higher than the total activation process. Either you use IP reset alot, (resetting in 5 min intervals) or just try your luck. ( If you got a chain of virus set up like above, of course. )
5) AV version is higher than virus version.
Yea and probably will stay that way. Only way around it is to research the virus to prolong the disinfect time.