It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.)
If I remember correctly it was succabus (I think I spelled that right) who said that.
Maybe, Succubus said it, maybe not, but it just goes to show that she made some accurate assessments here.
It takes at least two to fight.
No it dosen't, you could fight with yourself

That sounds like a personal problem. I recommend you speak to a clergyman or a shrink about those voices.

Yes, let's all agree with HJ.

This thread, more than a couple replies past the OP, is epic fail.
Ginjitsu was trying to do something positive for the community, including newbies, and a lynch mob ransacked it. Great job everyone. You've made the HP community look very good here. It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.) Even if it means fewer posts, we should reconsider our policies and practices here on the forum as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.
Whatever your disagreements with an individual, it is inappropriate to derail thread after thread to attack them. I'm not holding anyone blameless here; It takes at least two to fight. It is this kind of immaturity and pettiness that keeps several regular players from bothering with the forum and keeps Sir Emi from being more involved.
Exousia let me say two things. First thank you for reminding me what it was that made SGP great. Mature and thoughtful players. Second this post just goes to show that the ethics and morals I tried to instill in my team members still carries on which makes me one d**n proud leader.
I was only in SGP briefly, toward the end of round 1. I learned a lot there, both about the mechanics of Hacker Project and about being part of a community.
The Hacker Project community is in an adolescent stage and it needs to make some cold, hard decisions about its direction. We need to ask ourselves what about it will attract and retain new players as well as keep veteran players interested. We have a very low new account retention rate and an even lower forum activity rate. In the end, we are responsible for the success or failure of the Hacker Project as much as Sir Emi is.
We are the soul of the game.
We need less flame, less bickering, and more camaraderie. We need to make Hacker Project fun both in game and in the forum. I know we all have it in us. I've seen it at least once in everyone who's posted here. There was a moment last round, near the end, when we put aside our differences and fought together against Revelation Day. Even though the game was reset, I think we all felt good for a few days at least, like we were all part of same community whether we supported Revelation or not.
It's good to compete with one another and to jab and taunt one another but we cannot lose sight of the fact that this is a game and it is meant to be enjoyed. The moment we cross the line and make it personal, we are creating drama that simply does not need to exist.
Bearing all this in mind, I think we need to really clean up the forum, post more, get to know each other beyond the pseudonyms and avatars, and really make this community as great as we all know it can be. We have a lot of people who play but don't even have forum accounts, have forum accounts but don't post often or at all, and people who lurk on the forum but don't play. This tells of a great deal of dissension and alienation. Let's make new groups, reinforce existing groups, rebuild game guides, put up repositories, and work to improve the community and the game.
Soap box speech done.