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Author Topic: Limited Time.  (Read 49245 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1194

Everything I say has a british sarcastic tone.

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« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2009, 05:48:00 AM »

I agree with you, Jimmi.

And yes, HJ, a succabus is a demon so she will just go back to hell until he regains power or someone calls on here. The only way to truly slay a demon is either with holy weapons, making a pact with a stronger demon or go down in hell itself to finish the work. I recommend not to be involved with demons at all.

My sweet Eleonore, show no fear,
for the fearful riders are all ear,
and they smell and tastes every tear.
But more importantly: They aren't here!
Therefore there is no reason to fear.
Not until they ride again, my dear.
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2009, 05:29:46 PM »

Yes, let's all agree with HJ.  14

This thread, more than a couple replies past the OP, is epic fail.

Ginjitsu was trying to do something positive for the community, including newbies, and a lynch mob ransacked it. Great job everyone. You've made the HP community look very good here. It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.) Even if it means fewer posts, we should reconsider our policies and practices here on the forum as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.

Whatever your disagreements with an individual, it is inappropriate to derail thread after thread to attack them. I'm not holding anyone blameless here; It takes at least two to fight. It is this kind of immaturity and pettiness that keeps several regular players from bothering with the forum and keeps Sir Emi from being more involved.
virus man
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« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2009, 01:12:32 AM »

Yes, let's all agree with HJ.  14

This thread, more than a couple replies past the OP, is epic fail.

Ginjitsu was trying to do something positive for the community, including newbies, and a lynch mob ransacked it. Great job everyone. You've made the HP community look very good here. It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.) Even if it means fewer posts, we should reconsider our policies and practices here on the forum as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.

Whatever your disagreements with an individual, it is inappropriate to derail thread after thread to attack them. I'm not holding anyone blameless here; It takes at least two to fight. It is this kind of immaturity and pettiness that keeps several regular players from bothering with the forum and keeps Sir Emi from being more involved.

Exousia let me say two things.  First thank you for reminding me what it was that made SGP great.  Mature and thoughtful players.  Second this post just goes to show that the ethics and morals I tried to instill in my team members still carries on which makes me one d**n proud leader.

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
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Posts: 414

Only those you trust can betray you.
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« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2009, 01:12:57 AM »

It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.)

If I remember correctly it was succabus (I think I spelled that right) who said that.

It takes at least two to fight.

No it dosen't, you could fight with yourself  16

hmmm I want to eat that donut.... 21
No  I don't I'll become fat!  4
mmmm so delicious, just one bite  dribble
Nooo! I won't be able to stop myself!  w00t2

lol, it could happen  13

It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2009, 03:55:54 AM »

It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.)
If I remember correctly it was succabus (I think I spelled that right) who said that.

Maybe, Succubus said it, maybe not, but it just goes to show that she made some accurate assessments here.

It takes at least two to fight.
No it dosen't, you could fight with yourself  16


That sounds like a personal problem. I recommend you speak to a clergyman or a shrink about those voices.  laugh

Yes, let's all agree with HJ.  14

This thread, more than a couple replies past the OP, is epic fail.

Ginjitsu was trying to do something positive for the community, including newbies, and a lynch mob ransacked it. Great job everyone. You've made the HP community look very good here. It was said somewhere basically that, were it not for derailment, this board would be dead. (Sorry, can't remember who it was and I don't have time to go looking for the reference but will add it here if/when it is located at a later time.) Even if it means fewer posts, we should reconsider our policies and practices here on the forum as it is a direct reflection of ourselves.

Whatever your disagreements with an individual, it is inappropriate to derail thread after thread to attack them. I'm not holding anyone blameless here; It takes at least two to fight. It is this kind of immaturity and pettiness that keeps several regular players from bothering with the forum and keeps Sir Emi from being more involved.
Exousia let me say two things.  First thank you for reminding me what it was that made SGP great.  Mature and thoughtful players.  Second this post just goes to show that the ethics and morals I tried to instill in my team members still carries on which makes me one d**n proud leader.

I was only in SGP briefly, toward the end of round 1. I learned a lot there, both about the mechanics of Hacker Project and about being part of a community.

The Hacker Project community is in an adolescent stage and it needs to make some cold, hard decisions about its direction. We need to ask ourselves what about it will attract and retain new players as well as keep veteran players interested. We have a very low new account retention rate and an even lower forum activity rate. In the end, we are responsible for the success or failure of the Hacker Project as much as Sir Emi is.

We are the soul of the game.

We need less flame, less bickering, and more camaraderie. We need to make Hacker Project fun both in game and in the forum. I know we all have it in us. I've seen it at least once in everyone who's posted here. There was a moment last round, near the end, when we put aside our differences and fought together against Revelation Day. Even though the game was reset, I think we all felt good for a few days at least, like we were all part of same community whether we supported Revelation or not.

It's good to compete with one another and to jab and taunt one another but we cannot lose sight of the fact that this is a game and it is meant to be enjoyed. The moment we cross the line and make it personal, we are creating drama that simply does not need to exist.

Bearing all this in mind, I think we need to really clean up the forum, post more, get to know each other beyond the pseudonyms and avatars, and really make this community as great as we all know it can be. We have a lot of people who play but don't even have forum accounts, have forum accounts but don't post often or at all, and people who lurk on the forum but don't play. This tells of a great deal of dissension and alienation. Let's make new groups, reinforce existing groups, rebuild game guides, put up repositories, and work to improve the community and the game.

Soap box speech done.  13
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« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2009, 07:00:00 AM »

It has been said before Exousia and nobody answered then..

Don't believe me? Check out my older posts about being a free rider.

There is just too much hate and not enough love in this forum.

Succubus was in my opinion someone who brought some love to the forum and then she makes 1 wrong post after all the bad posts the others made about her.. And everybody says omg what has SHE said.. Pff.. Sad..

I wanted to start doing something for the game but since nobody cares to respond to those topics but cares to flame new people..

I still want to help but not with the same people that were only able to post nuts and help with the flaming.
virus man
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Posts: 985

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« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2009, 08:48:19 AM »

It has been said before Exousia and nobody answered then..

Don't believe me? Check out my older posts about being a free rider.

There is just too much hate and not enough love in this forum.

Succubus was in my opinion someone who brought some love to the forum and then she makes 1 wrong post after all the bad posts the others made about her.. And everybody says omg what has SHE said.. Pff.. Sad..

I wanted to start doing something for the game but since nobody cares to respond to those topics but cares to flame new people..

I still want to help but not with the same people that were only able to post nuts and help with the flaming.

I don't know Donn.  From my first impression of Succubus on is that she is a drama queen and brings it all on herself.  Even when I tried to end a conversation with her she wanted to continue it which told me it was time to take another Hiatus from the forums.
If she has changed since then, then great.  But I haven't seen anything new from her.  She is still to quick to bite when HJ baits her instead of just moving along and skipping the bait for something tastier ;)

BTW what happened to you?  You wanted to talk the other day and I said I would check my messages when I got home to find nothing new from you.  Everything ok on your end?

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
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« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2009, 11:22:21 AM »

It has been said before Exousia and nobody answered then..

Don't believe me? Check out my older posts about being a free rider.

There is just too much hate and not enough love in this forum.

Succubus was in my opinion someone who brought some love to the forum and then she makes 1 wrong post after all the bad posts the others made about her.. And everybody says omg what has SHE said.. Pff.. Sad..

I wanted to start doing something for the game but since nobody cares to respond to those topics but cares to flame new people..

I still want to help but not with the same people that were only able to post nuts and help with the flaming.

Well Donn the love is missing because Emi is missing. If emi acted like a normal developer and ACUTALY did his JOB then he would be makeing som improvement on this game and tons of love would be made But all emi does right now is to gives us a few updates which requirs little time and little effort.

Edit: On a sidenote if anyone like Succubus tells me to quit if i am not satisfied then i won't i am waiting for a new developer so this game can continue. It has a unik gameplay.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 12:33:04 PM by jimmi33 » Logged
Hero Member
Posts: 1194

Everything I say has a british sarcastic tone.

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« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2009, 11:33:56 AM »


And on a sidenote: Succubus (correct spelling) made her mistake and took some crap when she continued claiming it wasnt Emis mistake that he didnt take care of his job. This is an ended chapter so dont argue. I just explained why she took the nuts.

My sweet Eleonore, show no fear,
for the fearful riders are all ear,
and they smell and tastes every tear.
But more importantly: They aren't here!
Therefore there is no reason to fear.
Not until they ride again, my dear.
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2009, 03:28:56 PM »

I don't think that anyone is holding Succubus blameless, but she did at least try to revitalize things around here. A lot of us are campaigning for change, but it seems as though we are spinning our wheels. Persistence and patience will win out over wrath and animosity. It's good to be passionate about one's cause, but passion without reason to reign it in is a runaway horse.

Debate and dissension are fun, but only by keeping it in the context that we are all friends here and really do all want the same thing will we reduce the hate and the flame and effect positive change. It has been said time and time again that one of the reasons Sir Emi is not as active is because of all the hate and the fame he has to wade through to get to us here. This is very true, yet he does show up and he does at least make some changes in spite of this.

I believe that he would be more active if the environment here was not so hostile. I believe that a lot of people would be more active if the environment were not so hostile. I'm a stubborn SOB so I'm here and there's no getting rid of me. 19 Nevertheless, while a lot of the flame just rolls past me like water off a proverbial duck's back, I think a lot of us are a lot more sensitive than we let on and certainly a lot of newbies come here and see all the FU and FOAD sentiments being thrown about and are afraid to approach us even if we do actually generally reach out and offer advise to newbs who ask for it. I doubt any of us would refuse to answer a sincere question from a newbie. I doubt that any of us want to see anyone leave the game after trying it for only a few days just because of something we said, or allowed to be said, on the forum.
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« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2009, 03:49:36 PM »

I agree with you Exousia. I can also agree to some of the point of views succubus had but she forgot the think about what all the other people think. We are not the same person so we got different idears. I know that if i was Emi then i woulden't want to read trough all this flame, but he trickered it him self. Since he is the course of the action then he also need to something about it. I know that the second i saw some actualy effort on Emi's side i would blindly follow him for another month or so. But tell me when did he last made a mayor update which actualyed benefittet the game?

I know this is a hard question because we can't agree on that. But i would like to say the update with the power research. Unfortunaly then he didn't gave it much thought about when he releashed it so it ended up being another bad update.

Think about it from my point of view if the developer can't even make a single good update for months what hope is left?

We actualy also gave him a solution to all this flameing. Get a forum mod but not even there have he done anything yet right?

If you owned this game would you do that Exousia tell me with no lies.
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2009, 06:06:10 PM »

Lies would be pointless. However, one can twist one's definitions conveniently. What is your definition of a major update? I see January 10th as a pretty recent update. Anything that involves the altering or addition of code is a major update in my opinion as a coder.

Ah, but you then used the qualifier "good" in there too. That is highly subjective. I cannot answer that because my definition of good may differ drastically from yours. The question itself is impossible to answer as any answer I give may be easily dismissed as not being an example of a "good" update due to such and such a drawback.

Get a forum mod? Is a forum mod going to magically waive a wand and everything's fixed? No, he's going to prune the living crap out of this forum and then people are going to gripe at the mod for being a fascist censor. Emi's got two other games with mods, etc, and related experiences to draw upon. I'm sure he's seen mods get burned out on the flame they take as well. A mod, right now, would just be a lightning rod. Some of us could handle that, but most could not. He's just playing it safe. He's used to the flame even if he doesn't like wading through it.

I would do exactly that, too, if I were the forum mod. I would prune the living crap out of this forum and smack a few people around. This would not earn me many "thank yous" now would it? But, in the long run, it would improve the community even if some will be disgruntled now and some may even flame me for my "abuse of power" and leave the game. Sir Emi is playing it safe in order to spare the mod who needs to do these things the flame and the hurt feelings as well as improve the chances of retaining as many of us as possible.

I may have timed some updates differently but the key here that everyone seems to love to ignore is that this game is an incomplete product. That makes it a completely different creature from what we may be accustomed to dealing with. We keep considering this game to be a finished product and basing our flame, gripe, and complaints on that when in fact it's more of an open Beta (or pre-Beta). Updates, minor or major, good or bad, are going to come along in streams as they are relevant to whatever code block he is dealing with according to his agenda or according to the suggestions we put forth. Since we all have different coding methods, he may well be doing exactly what makes the most sense in his mind while we blindly attack him for it. By no means am I exemplifying him as the model developer, but he is not the ignorant fool some like to think he is. As a coder, I choose not to judge beyond my opinion on these matters.

I may not have played some things so safe as he has/does as I, frankly, care little about what people think of me, but that would earn me more flame than he's getting, not less. He's got to choose right now between drastic, sweeping changes or gradual progress. Which would you honestly choose? The best time for major changes is between rounds and few support resets. That means that he's got the added complication of sneaking in gradual changes while holding off the major ones for the resets.
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« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2009, 08:17:24 PM »

I think a big good update will be fractions. 5 And sorry to point this out but what did this thred start off talking about?  21 <-- (The mod side of me  diablo, how do you like it??? )

It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.
Posts: 42

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« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2009, 08:31:52 PM »

I add this in, just because I am new here.  When I first came into the forum and read some post, I was intimidated by the negativity of certain replies and just plain hate hijacks. I have played a few other games and was active on the forums there , but here , I saw something I wasn't sure I wanted to get into. I Like the game play so I stuck around and realized after talking with some of you that , you are indeed helpful and not all evil.  However just wonder how many other new players have come in here and said " Oh H**l No"  and exit stage left.

Thanks to those that have guided me through, my newbish questions.
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2009, 08:50:52 PM »

I think a big good update will be fractions.

Like 4/5?  laugh Sorry, couldn't resist. I know what you mean.

5 And sorry to point this out but what did this thred start off talking about?  21 <-- (The mod side of me  diablo, how do you like it??? )

Ginjitsu has made us a repository. You can find it in the Revelation Day list. It has many nice programs. It's named "Fun and Games Dedicated Server" so just click "Connect" then "Public FTP" and there's lots of good stuff there.

I add this in, just because I am new here.  When I first came into the forum and read some post, I was intimidated by the negativity of certain replies and just plain hate hijacks. I have played a few other games and was active on the forums there , but here , I saw something I wasn't sure I wanted to get into. I Like the game play so I stuck around and realized after talking with some of you that , you are indeed helpful and not all evil.  However just wonder how many other new players have come in here and said " Oh H**l No"  and exit stage left.

Thanks to those that have guided me through, my newbish questions.

Exactly my point, thank you, Deavas. It is a shame that this is so because it is a fun game and a fun group of people. I myself played for a good month before I even touched the forum beyond glancing at the guides provided by SGP.

On another note, this thread has been derailed and then the derailment was derailed, so it's a double derail. Some of it needs to be binned while some of it needs to be put in another General Discussion or Whatever thread. This is quite typical of the threads here of late, but it's tough not to respond to the flame and derailment in the threads which they exist.
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