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Author Topic: Limited Time.  (Read 49244 times)
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« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2009, 10:10:45 PM »

Ginjitsu has made us a repository. You can find it in the Revelation Day list. It has many nice programs. It's named "Fun and Games Dedicated Server" so just click "Connect" then "Public FTP" and there's lots of good stuff there.

He didn't make a repository, he partially locked his BW.

EDIT: Almost completely locked his BW actually. With locked I mean ofcourse that you can't do nuts about it.

You can't compare this with the old SGP Repository (public one). That was a totally different server, made only to serve as a Repo.. Not a main server from someone.

EDIT2: Before this "repository" was set up, a lot of people were unhappy that the secret servers had such advanced files, ready to be downloaded by any newb. Some even said that it wasn't needed to research anymore because it was so easy to download.

Now that the "repository" has been set up, nobody remembers their own words. We have someone with a huge hardware who is mass researching and putting it up to be downloaded by any newb who reads the forum or checks his Public FTP (except perhaps 5 files).

Another reason not to research anymore, not to start pvp anymore. Just connect to his public ftp and IP Change. His BW is locked and you can have all the files you want without doing any effort.

Thanks Ginjitsu. Really! What a wonderful way of killing the excitement in the game even more.. Perhaps Succubus should have really said FOAD.

Another difference with SGP Repository (public one). It helped newbs, not veteran players. It contained files just above the secret servers, not the best softwares ingame. It didn't cause any harm or was trying to benefit from it.

Pvp? What the hell is that? I just connect to a server, download what I want and change IP dude.. Yeah.. Sucks..
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 10:52:40 PM by Donn » Logged
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« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2009, 10:23:05 PM »

Download Firewall Protect, 4716h 48m 19s  ,  Umm ....  confused2  Thanks for the offer though.
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2009, 11:33:38 PM »

I don't recall comparing it to the SGP repository, nor did I state that it was a positive thing. There are programs which can be downloaded from this IP. I stated facts, nothing more, in answer to the question regarding the nature of the OP. 16

If the definition of repository is under debate then I suppose I could concede that it isn't necessarily a repository so much as a server with several programs marked as public. 5

If you recall, the SGP repository also came under fire for the exact opposite reason; that it did not have the really high end software available. Many people attacked SGP for not making available their "big guns" and hoarding the really powerful software thereby increasing the stranglehold they had on the game while making an outward appearance of kindness toward newbies.
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« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2009, 11:58:39 PM »

I don't recall comparing it to the SGP repository, nor did I state that it was a positive thing. There are programs which can be downloaded from this IP. I stated facts, nothing more, in answer to the question regarding the nature of the OP. 16

If the definition of repository is under debate then I suppose I could concede that it isn't necessarily a repository so much as a server with several programs marked as public. 5

If you recall, the SGP repository also came under fire for the exact opposite reason; that it did not have the really high end software available. Many people attacked SGP for not making available their "big guns" and hoarding the really powerful software thereby increasing the stranglehold they had on the game while making an outward appearance of kindness toward newbies.

Well you did say he was trying to do something positive for the community. I'm just comparing it to the SGP Repo because that is the only example I know of a known Repo for the community.

And if you read my post carefully, you'll know that I've written somewhere "(except perhaps 5 files)".. He does keep some software to himself.

And to be honest, you didn't respond to everything I wrote.. No more research, no more pvp, another way to lock BW,... These are the serious matters I try to address.
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2009, 01:42:08 AM »

Well you did say he was trying to do something positive for the community. I'm just comparing it to the SGP Repo because that is the only example I know of a known Repo for the community.

confused2 Very few people would have caught that. *I* had to go back and look to be sure. I like that you keep me honest.

Alright, I guess I understand that now. I'll elaborate further below.

And if you read my post carefully, you'll know that I've written somewhere "(except perhaps 5 files)".. He does keep some software to himself.

And to be honest, you didn't respond to everything I wrote.. No more research, no more pvp, another way to lock BW,... These are the serious matters I try to address.

I may have misunderstood the emphasis of the post then, forgive me.

No more research? The SGP repo at least left some room for improvement. This one may top things out, or at least come close, but people are going to want to have that edge. I can see a threat to research but it doesn't seem all that great. The updates slowed things down, but parallel research and group research is still possible in my opinion.

No more PvP? Last I checked, PvP is an endangered species here as it is. More drastic changes may be required to revitalize it, but I'd also like to read more about your views on the state of PvP and possible solutions. BW blocking is all too easy and install times are pretty high... It needs work.

Another way to block BW? Yeah, it took me a moment of reflection to figure this one out, but I suppose that this would effectively clog the lines with transfers and disallow uploads of virii, preventing attack. This ties in to PvP I suppose. What would you suggest? A program which forces bandwidth open that can only be stopped if the target cracks the attacker and stops the process, meanwhile the program gradually frees up BW for the attacker server to use in transfers (up or down)? (Has that been suggested yet?)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 01:44:44 AM by Exousia » Logged
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« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2009, 10:10:32 AM »

Donn.....all this posting of yours sounds like nothing more than sour grapes. I think your just upset that you can't just walk in and hack me anymore and steal MY RESEARCH whenever you want. Did i do this to block my BW so you and the few who could actually crack me couldn't just walk in and steal what you want....YES I DID. It's called may not be to your liking but I just used what I had to make my position better....i'm sorry if you don't like it but that's too bad....It's funny you keep throwing out the saying free rider but basically from what I can see about your gameplay you just hack and steal everyone elses work  so wouldn't that make you a free rider as well living off the work of others??  I'm not aware of any research you've done(I may be wrong). If i'm wrong then please let me know...this is not meant to be a flame. I am asking in all sincerity.

You say by what i'm doing I basically killed PvP...well let me ask you this...besides hacking me everyday what other PvP do you do?????? From my understanding PvP means Player vs Player....when is the last time this game had any REAL PvP action going??? I would say it was mostly near the end of last round when everyone was jockeying for position in the top 10 before the reset. There has been to this point in round 2 no real PvP and while my setting up this "Repo" maybe contributing to the lack of said PvP play it was dead long before.

On a side note....what does FOAD mean??
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« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2009, 10:16:19 AM »

Heres a valueable link

My sweet Eleonore, show no fear,
for the fearful riders are all ear,
and they smell and tastes every tear.
But more importantly: They aren't here!
Therefore there is no reason to fear.
Not until they ride again, my dear.
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« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2009, 11:48:53 AM »


I like it.

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« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2009, 11:52:25 AM »

Donn.....all this posting of yours sounds like nothing more than sour grapes. I think your just upset that you can't just walk in and hack me anymore and steal MY RESEARCH whenever you want. Did i do this to block my BW so you and the few who could actually crack me couldn't just walk in and steal what you want....YES I DID. It's called may not be to your liking but I just used what I had to make my position better....i'm sorry if you don't like it but that's too bad....It's funny you keep throwing out the saying free rider but basically from what I can see about your gameplay you just hack and steal everyone elses work  so wouldn't that make you a free rider as well living off the work of others??  I'm not aware of any research you've done(I may be wrong). If i'm wrong then please let me know...this is not meant to be a flame. I am asking in all sincerity.

You say by what i'm doing I basically killed PvP...well let me ask you this...besides hacking me everyday what other PvP do you do?????? From my understanding PvP means Player vs Player....when is the last time this game had any REAL PvP action going??? I would say it was mostly near the end of last round when everyone was jockeying for position in the top 10 before the reset. There has been to this point in round 2 no real PvP and while my setting up this "Repo" maybe contributing to the lack of said PvP play it was dead long before.

On a side note....what does FOAD mean??

Make a decent post first OK Ginjitsu? And if you want PVP, I'll give you some soon enough. Don't forget who you're talking to.
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« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2009, 12:06:54 PM »

Donn.....all this posting of yours sounds like nothing more than sour grapes. I think your just upset that you can't just walk in and hack me anymore and steal MY RESEARCH whenever you want. Did i do this to block my BW so you and the few who could actually crack me couldn't just walk in and steal what you want....YES I DID. It's called may not be to your liking but I just used what I had to make my position better....i'm sorry if you don't like it but that's too bad....It's funny you keep throwing out the saying free rider but basically from what I can see about your gameplay you just hack and steal everyone elses work  so wouldn't that make you a free rider as well living off the work of others??  I'm not aware of any research you've done(I may be wrong). If i'm wrong then please let me know...this is not meant to be a flame. I am asking in all sincerity.

You say by what i'm doing I basically killed PvP...well let me ask you this...besides hacking me everyday what other PvP do you do?????? From my understanding PvP means Player vs Player....when is the last time this game had any REAL PvP action going??? I would say it was mostly near the end of last round when everyone was jockeying for position in the top 10 before the reset. There has been to this point in round 2 no real PvP and while my setting up this "Repo" maybe contributing to the lack of said PvP play it was dead long before.

On a side note....what does FOAD mean??

Make a decent post first OK Ginjitsu? And if you want PVP, I'll give you some soon enough. Don't forget who you're talking to.

I see...I ask a couple valid questionis and get nothing but a threat in return ....Got it. Thanks Donn...that's all I needed to know.  7
virus man
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« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2009, 12:32:47 PM »

PvP in a game where there is none possible.   For there to be PvP there has to be the risk of loss.  Since there is no risk of loss there can be no PvP.

Please someone prove me wrong ;)

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New World Order
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« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2009, 12:54:15 PM »

Youre right.
Oh, I was supposed to prove you wrong. My misstake but it is a bit mean to challenge someone to do the impossible.

My sweet Eleonore, show no fear,
for the fearful riders are all ear,
and they smell and tastes every tear.
But more importantly: They aren't here!
Therefore there is no reason to fear.
Not until they ride again, my dear.
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« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2009, 01:05:24 PM »

Donn.....all this posting of yours sounds like nothing more than sour grapes. I think your just upset that you can't just walk in and hack me anymore and steal MY RESEARCH whenever you want. Did i do this to block my BW so you and the few who could actually crack me couldn't just walk in and steal what you want....YES I DID. It's called may not be to your liking but I just used what I had to make my position better....i'm sorry if you don't like it but that's too bad....It's funny you keep throwing out the saying free rider but basically from what I can see about your gameplay you just hack and steal everyone elses work  so wouldn't that make you a free rider as well living off the work of others??  I'm not aware of any research you've done(I may be wrong). If i'm wrong then please let me know...this is not meant to be a flame. I am asking in all sincerity.

You say by what i'm doing I basically killed PvP...well let me ask you this...besides hacking me everyday what other PvP do you do?????? From my understanding PvP means Player vs Player....when is the last time this game had any REAL PvP action going??? I would say it was mostly near the end of last round when everyone was jockeying for position in the top 10 before the reset. There has been to this point in round 2 no real PvP and while my setting up this "Repo" maybe contributing to the lack of said PvP play it was dead long before.

On a side note....what does FOAD mean??

Locking your BW isn't what Emi likes to see because he shares my opinion: it kills the PVP. Thats why he fixed the locking bw with your own virii, a few days ago..

You can not compare being a free rider towards the game with profiting from someone else's research ingame. I will still do my best to help the game evolve into a good game with a good community, you won't by being a free rider in your own way.

You have no idea what softwares I have stolen and have not and from who. Perhaps I traded software or got lucky or had some help from friends. You just don't know. I'm not going to talk about my strategies also because that would be plain stupid.

By the way: do remember Ginjitsu, that you have profited from my research in round 1 also. So don't come and tell me that profiting from someone else his research is something bad and shouldn't be done. Cause being a free rider the way I describe it, is something bad and shouldn't be done.

And again Im not going to tell you who I have hacked and who I have have teased. I have the highest Log Deleter ingame at the moment so I could be anywhere if I wanted to.

And its not because the PVP is dead, according to you, that you should keep it that way. Its still considered wrong to shoot a dead person in the face. You didn't kill him but we don't appreciate it lol.

By setting up a Repo you have proven that you are a coward since you do not have the nuts to defend yourself against me except if you are helped by ingame tricks. Should have thought about getting Revelation on your main server a bit more careful next time.

You have removed the excitement of finding a high version of a file and trying to download it.

You have removed the excitement of researching a file.


Every sending download process has to be killed on the server which started the process. But because a lot of people IP changed (ofcourse), you have successfully locked your BW.

Now you can easily research whatever you want without anyone being able to download those files.

People can easily download the "best" softwares ingame without having to learn how to play the game and without enjoying the excitement of getting the best softwares..


f**k it. Nobody cares.
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2009, 02:05:43 PM »

I'll agree with what appears to be the majority here, this game needs more PvP.
virus man
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« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2009, 02:42:42 PM »

I'll agree with what appears to be the majority here, this game needs more PvP.

STFU traitor.   I still love ya bro don't worry ;)

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

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New World Order
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