Donn.....all this posting of yours sounds like nothing more than sour grapes. I think your just upset that you can't just walk in and hack me anymore and steal MY RESEARCH whenever you want. Did i do this to block my BW so you and the few who could actually crack me couldn't just walk in and steal what you want....YES I DID. It's called may not be to your liking but I just used what I had to make my position better....i'm sorry if you don't like it but that's too bad....It's funny you keep throwing out the saying free rider but basically from what I can see about your gameplay you just hack and steal everyone elses work so wouldn't that make you a free rider as well living off the work of others?? I'm not aware of any research you've done(I may be wrong). If i'm wrong then please let me know...this is not meant to be a flame. I am asking in all sincerity.
You say by what i'm doing I basically killed PvP...well let me ask you this...besides hacking me everyday what other PvP do you do?????? From my understanding PvP means Player vs Player....when is the last time this game had any REAL PvP action going??? I would say it was mostly near the end of last round when everyone was jockeying for position in the top 10 before the reset. There has been to this point in round 2 no real PvP and while my setting up this "Repo" maybe contributing to the lack of said PvP play it was dead long before.
On a side note....what does FOAD mean??
Locking your BW isn't what Emi likes to see because he shares my opinion: it kills the PVP. Thats why he fixed the locking bw with your own virii, a few days ago..
You can not compare being a free rider towards the game with profiting from someone else's research ingame. I will still do my best to help the game evolve into a good game with a good community, you won't by being a free rider in your own way.
You have no idea what softwares I have stolen and have not and from who. Perhaps I traded software or got lucky or had some help from friends. You just don't know. I'm not going to talk about my strategies also because that would be plain stupid.
By the way: do remember Ginjitsu, that you have profited from my research in round 1 also. So don't come and tell me that profiting from someone else his research is something bad and shouldn't be done. Cause being a free rider the way I describe it, is something bad and shouldn't be done.
And again Im not going to tell you who I have hacked and who I have have teased. I have the highest Log Deleter ingame at the moment so I could be anywhere if I wanted to.
And its not because the PVP is dead, according to you, that you should keep it that way. Its still considered wrong to shoot a dead person in the face. You didn't kill him but we don't appreciate it lol.
By setting up a Repo you have proven that you are a coward since you do not have the nuts to defend yourself against me except if you are helped by ingame tricks. Should have thought about getting Revelation on your main server a bit more careful next time.
You have removed the excitement of finding a high version of a file and trying to download it.
You have removed the excitement of researching a file.
Every sending download process has to be killed on the server which started the process. But because a lot of people IP changed (ofcourse), you have successfully locked your BW.
Now you can easily research whatever you want without anyone being able to download those files.
People can easily download the "best" softwares ingame without having to learn how to play the game and without enjoying the excitement of getting the best softwares..
f**k it. Nobody cares.