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Author Topic: Display Bugs  (Read 11196 times)
Sr. Member
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« on: April 09, 2009, 12:39:54 PM »

I've started cleaning this thread a while ago and I would like to ask people to post any display bugs that still exist, in this topic.

A lot of them were corrected, but there are probably still some that weren't fixed.

Thank you all for your input  7
Posts: 40

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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2009, 02:23:24 PM »

I am unsure whether or not this problem is know, but I am going to post it anyway.
The following could be considered a visual bug. I am aware that it does not compromise HP game play, but by definition it is still a bug so I posted it.

Type         Original        Amount      Remaining         Date / Time
Collect All     42,849.82     189,806.08     232,655.90     03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.20    41,661.62    03-May-2009 14:31
Virus leak    42,849.82    -1,188.13    41,661.69    03-May-2009 14:31
I copied this from my Finances page, in total there were 118 Collects(FSV v0.1 and v0.4) made with the same amount.

The virii are all on my own server(Remnant Farm), I know that the Factions update steals HPD instead of generating them. After the Collect All I have HPD 42,849.82, which is correct.

The bug I am referring to is probably caused by the way which HP displays Collect All in the Finance Log.

Remaining shows the Original value + the gained Amount
Original    +  Amount      = Remaining
42,849.82 + 189,806.08  = 232,655.90

Amount is the sum of all gained HPD
Amount = ∑(gain)
Collect All ran on: 142 * v0.4 FSV and 75 * v0.1 FSV |  Amount of Virii; X
Individual Gain is:      1188.20    and  297.03       |  Amount of Gain; Y

Amount = ∑(gain) = (X1 * Y1) + (X2 * Y2) = (142 * 1188.20) + (75 * 297.03)
Amount = 189,806.08 HPD

Amount does not sum up all the virii leaks, because non-player virii also steal HPD.
Lost HPD by other virii might be covered up by Collect All that way.

Individually it works because there is nothing to sum, so gain=loss
File Share Virus V 0.1 running on for the last 4.86 hours... collected 291.65 HPD
Finance Logs
   Type                     Original           Amount            Remaining         Date/Time
File Share Virus         42,849.82       291.65             43,141.47          03-May-2009 14:25
Virus leak                 42,849.82       -291.65            42,558.17          03-May-2009 14:25

This can be solved by giving virii a target check (which I have no doubt about that such command already exists, so its easily added).
->StolenHPD - StolenHPD = StolenHPD

That way if it steals from its owner the gained/lossed HPD value always return as 0

Thus, own virii's stealing your own HPD;
Amount = ∑(gain) = (X1 * Y1) + (X2 * Y2) = (142 * 0) + (75 * 0)
Amount = 0 HPD
Original    +  Amount      = Remaining
42,849.82 +   0  = 42,849.82

Finances Log
   Type                     Original           Amount            Remaining         Date/Time
File Share Virus         42,849.82       291.65             43,141.47          03-May-2009 14:25
Virus leak                 42,849.82       -291.65            42,558.17          03-May-2009 14:25
   Type                     Original           Amount            Remaining         Date/Time
File Share Virus         42,849.82           0                  42,849.82          03-May-2009 14:25
Virus leak                 42,849.82           0                  42,849.82          03-May-2009 14:25

You can even add
VirusLeak = 0 (HPD)
->Remove that event

As no harm was done to your HPDs

And yeah I know, I am bored as hell to even bother about it. But at least it was kinda challanging :P


The battles of the skilled are without extraordinary victory, without reputation for wisdom and without merit for courage.
Posts: 40

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« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2009, 09:31:26 AM »

Along with the above mentioned display bug, I also made a suggestion on how it could be solved.
->StolenHPD - StolenHPD = StolenHPD

*With StolenHPD I meant the amount a virii normally generated before the Faction update. Now in stead of generating, it drains the same amount from a players HPD account.

This suggestion also solves a potential exploit/bug, whereas 2 or more players could contest for the same HPD.
As virii would first remove your own HPD, then puts it back on your own HPD account. This could potentially create a moment where your HPDs are completely gone (Phased out, if you must). Thus another player activating his virii on that very moment would steal no HPD.
This could only happen if above described game mechanics are in place, it also relies heavily on chance(coincidence).

Still it could be possible. Even more so, in theory you can fill your own server with enough virii to stretch out this HPD void to a practical amount of time. Firing off virii's after another to maintain this HPD void.

It sounds far reached, but logic wise it is possible.

~Ten thousand thoughts a minute pulsing through my head and this is what I come up with. Perhaps I am going insane. laugh

The battles of the skilled are without extraordinary victory, without reputation for wisdom and without merit for courage.
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« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 08:20:49 AM »

Just a minor notice that's been forgotten about. on the ip dealer page.

 Secure anonymous connection activated...
 Hi, I'm your IP dealer for today. So you need a target to hack?
 Well, look no further! You're in the right place!
 We have very many juicy servers with lots of nice software on them just waiting to be hacked to make you HPD!
 we only require a small commission for our trouble to locate the target for you...
 Once you decide, we will send you a message with the target IP, so you don't lose it.

 Due to high demand on our operatives we can no longer guarantee the IP will not already be in your IP Database.
 We have also been instructed to deduct 5 Action Points for each IP purchase order.
 We guarantee that the server IP you receive will have at least one software between the minimum and maximum versions stated.
 We will tell you the highest software version our scanners were able to detect.
 If you take your time and don't use the IP we give you right away, we can not guarantee the software will stay indefinitely on the target, or that the target will do an IP change in the future, so please use the information as soon as possible. Happy hacking!

Highlighted in bold.

Posts: 23

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« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 10:32:10 AM »

The top-left corner of the screen shows your current financial balance and AP remaining.  If you click a Complete Task link, the changes to these values are displayed as "(amount)" in green for money gained and "(-5)" in orange for the AP reduction.  If you use the drop-downs at the bottom of the process list to complete all owned tasks on that server (select Owned in first box, Complete Task in second and hit Confirm), the screen shows a list of all the tasks that were completed, with their associated rewards; however, the changes to the balance and AP only display the change made by the last task to be completed, and not the total based on all completed tasks.  Minor display issue - but if it is possible to reflect the total change made by the last click instead of only the last completed task, it'd be swell!
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« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 12:58:34 PM »

It's true, whoever you are

I think it's because it doesn't complete the tasks simultaneously but instead sequencially, to stop them cancelling each other out or something...  21

Also, welcome stranger!

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« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2012, 06:25:13 PM »

Typo bug in bold from :

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« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2012, 08:23:18 AM »

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