« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2012, 07:56:13 PM » |
As you should know, I've stopped playing.
Lastly yeah, I know of one bannable offense. You know what it is? Not bowing down to you. You've bought your way through the game in the past, you'll do it again,
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 07:59:00 PM by asdfth12 »
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2012, 08:08:45 PM » |
lol funny stuff Ollin Hayes
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2012, 08:28:35 PM » |
Oh my! You can do a Google search!
So afraid. Really. I'm shaking in my boots.
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2012, 08:37:12 PM » |
lol yep....makes me laugh thou, so glad ur really into trying to talking crap. its what keeps me going in HP lol
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2012, 08:45:44 PM » |
Not really crap.
You should have bene banned for using the refreshers, like it said in the rules, and you were not for some reason. Given that you've donated a lot in the past, its a valid assumption that you might have donated to prevent this ban.
Funny about keeps going. I remember saying a couple rounds back that you were going to quit.
Edit - Glad you enjoyed the look into my past. Find anything interesting?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 08:47:42 PM by asdfth12 »
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2012, 09:00:16 PM » |
ur right there, i did say i was going to quit, then Jager and bugs came in and started the real cheating, And BTW it doesnt say ull be banned for using a refresher, it states that each case will be reviewed and then action will be taken, When i USED one half the game would of been banned, bc they where
Any player who has violated the rules may have their accounts blocked for any length of time. Each case is decided separately given the offense and amount of proof.
and using a refresher isnt that big of a deal, Thus no ban. lol
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2012, 09:08:58 PM » |
and glitch abusing isn't?
V0 bug. The IP ID's.
Case by case, and given how you've donated more money then anyone else in this game, doesn't really smell like roses. Could say all the green played a large part in you not getting punished for breaking the rules. But my point is, your a Mod. People, usually, look up to you. Essentially, your a example. You breaking the rules doesn't set a good example, same for your lack of punishment.
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2012, 09:30:32 PM » |
well the v0 bug wasnt a bug my friend, couldnt even do anything with it, the ID ya, but once again half a dozen ppl where doing the same, and third, havent used a script or a Bug since bugs and jager where around, doesnt make it right but fighting cheaters with tricks is something i did
But whatever, we got like 6 other threads discussing this and ur now bring up the old crap again why? bc i pissed u off again? lol
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2012, 07:43:29 AM » |
But you do admit to abusing bugs, which yet again you were never punished for.
Serious question, but how much of your rank, and past ranks, are from your skill and how much is from your bug abuse?
I bring up old stuff because it's still relevant for the example.
Your a mod. Your admitted to using bugs in the past. The fact that you haven't been banned, and that your still a mod, is a prime reason why this game is failing.
Your not the problem, really. The problem is the Emi refuses to enforce his own rules, and to ensure that his forum staff are examples of good and honest players.
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2012, 02:41:49 PM » |
what are u talking about? IVe yet to abuse a bug that gave me a increase in Power, ID trick wasnt even a bug, THE way bugs and jager GOT them was, They actually hacked into the game database, We just created a add on that labeled them, And ill quit being mod if ur that worked up about it, Only way i was really a mod was to delete Spam, Which for the most part emi has fixed. Your point is really invalid as once emi saw me and other doing it he warned us to stop and we did, Sorry he didnt ban us like ur so keen on him doing, Why? bc that actually allow u maybe to be number one? But doubt it..
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2012, 05:51:05 PM » |
Your so defensive about your rank.
Why so defensive? Afraid of something?
And yes, you created a addon that exploited how the game server stored information. It might not have been a bug, but it was most likely unintended. Still, you exploited it for your own gains.
Frankly, the only diffrence between you and Bugs is that you are testing the rules, to see just exactly what you can get away with when it comes to abusing unintended server quirks, while Bugs just went straight to the hacking the server.
And people wonder why this game has so few dedicated players. Most of them have gotten tired of having to deal with you, and the fact that Emi refuses to apply the same rules to you as he does to other players.
If anyone else had done even half the things you've done, they'd have been banned a long time ago.
« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2012, 08:31:48 PM » |
lol besides the ID thing and a auto refresher ive done nothing against the rules, so half of what? Reason im defensive over my rank is bc Noone going to tell me i didnt work my butt off this round to get to where i am. Mainly ppl throwing out the fact i donated, Ya i did for a long while, but this round was all me no donations, Only thing that kept HP going and Getting new game updates was those donations.. What have u done beside complain and "quit" playing.... I love how ur making it sound like i cheat all the time, I used a refresher, Which i can name over 25 other players who have and a couple hundred since i started playing, Most where the more dedicated players
Difference between me and bugs, The second someone complained of the id thing i told emi, Didnt need to hack the game to win or get revenge, when i get even, i do it legit, the whole thing with id number just allowed me to see if ppl changed Server names, not get there ip whenever i wanted. Like jager and bugs did, and i gave it to alot of ppl, so wasn't for my own gains...
and if emi shows me so much "love" then why when at least 50 ppl did the same thing i did they werent banned? Only one was Bugs and Neo, Both actually did real hacking, I think ur confusing that fact emi DOESNT LIKE OR WANT TO BAN PEOPLE, with the fact he hasnt banned me, He knows the game need all the players u can get, Sorry im better then u ASD, sorry u never will be in the top spot while im around, Get over it, Besides one flawed judgement, ID thing, WHICH i DIDNT CREATE and didnt help me win, I never needed to cheat to win, I got more time and skillz then most and sorry u dont...
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2012, 02:47:00 PM » |
awww, did i miss your ragequit?
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2012, 03:44:37 PM » |
lol im just throwing it out there, norill made the game easier, but something he has keeps to him self, lol wouldnt be so far behind f i knew all his secrets, but so far anyone can message me for the scripts hes given me, as i use only one currently the counter down time one, as i know they make game play easier, all are easy scripts to make if u have any basic knowledge....
Along with how you used to use artifical means to make it look like you were logged in even if you weren't playing? Basic knowledge too, but this was speficially stated to be against the rules. Refreshers are allowed, and more than likely make you appear online. Everyone needs to calm the f**k down and stop raging in this thread.
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2012, 06:23:15 PM » |
thx tn for the support, but they arent any more  It is forbidden to use any bots or other ways of artificial stay online in the game.