Please take note of Guide updates and the upcoming Revelation Day update.
The players will be in full control of the Revelation Day and they will decide when and how to start Revelation Day.
Note: This is _not_ the actual Revelation Day update, it is just the information / guides update on the upcoming update.
Added to ingame Guide:
Revelation Day
Revelation vs. Faith
Revelation virus technical details
Faith anti-virus technical details
Hall of Fame
Link to ingame Guide:[update 26 aug]
Revelation Specs:
- Usage V 0.1: 10,000 CPU, 600,000 Kb Memory, 400 kbs Bandwidth, 20 Gb HDD
- nullify host defenses when installed
- can only be installed every 6h (global counter)
- visible across the network regardless if installed or not (exception un-installed on NPC server)
- requires above usage resources to activate / run (replaces 50 CPU activate cost with full cost regardless if activated on localhost or remotely. E.g. Requires a good gateway to even activate the virus. Resources are freed once the vir has been activated, on remote cases)
- can only install one Revelation on a unique host
- can not be encrypted / hidden
- can not be uploaded to Secure FTP
- if 24 hours DDAY countdown is in progress, no new Revelation virii can be installed until countdown is over. When countdown is over, the world is saved or doomed.
- if installed on NPC server, it does not trigger a disinfect mission
- enables remote overload damaging hardware of servers (50% the power of an overload bomb of same version)
Faith anti-virus specs:
- Usage V 0.1: 20,000 CPU, 1200,000 Kb Memory, 20 Gb HDD
- disinfect time =~ activation time of Rev virus
- disinfect process once started can not be stopped on the initiating server. It can only be stopped by initiator gateway. If remote disinfecting, the initiator can only stop the process on the remote system with the kill command (the process on localhost is locked).
- added Action Points description to ingame guide
- added Virus Breaker description to ingame guide