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Author Topic: Guide update - Revelation Day  (Read 107344 times)
Hero Member
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« on: August 22, 2008, 02:53:39 PM »

Please take note of Guide updates and the upcoming Revelation Day update.

The players will be in full control of the Revelation Day and they will decide when and how to start Revelation Day.

Note: This is _not_ the actual Revelation Day update, it is just the information / guides update on the upcoming update.

Added to ingame Guide:

Revelation Day
Revelation vs. Faith
Revelation virus technical details
Faith anti-virus technical details
Hall of Fame

Link to ingame Guide:

[update 26 aug]

Revelation Specs:

- Usage V 0.1: 10,000 CPU, 600,000 Kb Memory, 400 kbs Bandwidth, 20 Gb HDD
- nullify host defenses when installed
- can only be installed every 6h (global counter)
- visible across the network regardless if installed or not (exception un-installed on NPC server)
- requires above usage resources to activate / run (replaces 50 CPU activate cost with full cost regardless if activated on localhost or remotely. E.g. Requires a good gateway to even activate the virus. Resources are freed once the vir has been activated, on remote cases)
- can only install one Revelation on a unique host
- can not be encrypted / hidden
- can not be uploaded to Secure FTP
- if 24 hours DDAY countdown is in progress, no new Revelation virii can be installed until countdown is over. When countdown is over, the world is saved or doomed.
- if installed on NPC server, it does not trigger a disinfect mission

- enables remote overload damaging hardware of servers (50% the power of an overload bomb of same version)

Faith anti-virus specs:
- Usage V 0.1: 20,000 CPU, 1200,000 Kb Memory, 20 Gb HDD
-  disinfect time =~ activation time of Rev virus
-  disinfect process once started can not be stopped on the initiating server. It can only be stopped by initiator gateway. If remote disinfecting, the initiator can only stop the process on the remote system with the kill command (the process on localhost is locked).


- added Action Points description to ingame guide
- added Virus Breaker description to ingame guide
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 07:56:19 PM by siremi » Logged

Moen Co.
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« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 03:14:11 PM »

Bah, I don't like this one bit. I was hoping for a game where there's at least an option for a persistent world, but now it looks like we're going to have any progress wiped every once in a while. Do you plan on making this a reoccurring event?

If one has a Revelation virus, a certain most powerful action is available. The Revelation virus acts as a remote overload system. Depending on running time and version, it can be activated on a remote host to destroy hardware remotely. Such action is considered as the ultimate destruction and is regarded as a prelude to Revelation Day.

Can you elaborate on this? Does this allow you to destroy the hardware of a server you have admin access to if the virus is installed on your gateway? Does the six-hour limit apply globally or just to each player in the case that their Revelation virus is disinfected?

Potentially I could grow to like the update, but as it stands the whole reset idea is a sticking point.

Retired. Best Finish: #4 (Should've been #3)
virus man
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« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2008, 03:38:04 PM »

Sir Emi what ever happened to your word that this world would stay persistant and that you would create "alternate worlds" that would experience resets?

I ask because I know MANY people have donated.  If you allow this world to be nuked then you are taking away the benefit of donating unless you plan on allowing those who have donated to pay back the HPD at the SAME RATE they got it and change it to increasing the Gold FTP server size.

Otherwise you are telling those who have donated to piss off effectively.

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
virus man
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« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 03:47:21 PM »

Specifically This Thread where you state,
If you look at Space Odyssey you will see we have both a persistent world and one with resets, so yeah we will have both in HP too.

The reset will be kind of cool, like a bang where everything blows up and with prizes at the end, and after it's done the whole world blows up and it's rebuild again like a Doom's Day.

SGP is opening their forums for all.  From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there.

SGP's Forums.

New World Order
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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 04:16:13 PM »

Im so glad I asked that question lol.

Are there any plans to keep a persistent version of HP? It doesnt look like it at the moment;

The aftermath of Revelation will provide a new starting ground for newbie and veteran players alike. The Hall of Fame will be updated with the best players and their greatest version of software. All gateway software, backups, hardware, resources will reset and a new round will begin from the ashes of the old world. You will not lose your account status / user, only the resources are reset. New players will have the chance to rise up and claim the top.

Im sure its possible to create a persistent version even with this revelation thing, just with a few tweaks here and there. HP is not really a casual game, you have to put alot of time into it. For example, getting all 600 secret servers IP and then cracking them. I dont see myself wanting to do that everytime the game resets.

Any inputs on this matter?


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neo alpha
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« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 05:40:13 PM »

If until 1th august Sir Emi don't make clear that he WON'T reset this actual world , i'll be quitting...

I am not looking for my achievments to be reseted like the crims or any other kind of stupid round-based game!

to MSN
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« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 06:55:30 PM »

Sir Emi, I don't think anyone objects to this new update... it could be really cool actually. But don't make the mistake of implementing it on the current server after you've promised not to have rounds or resets. Going back on your word like that would set a dangerous precedent that no one wants. You'll lose the faith and trust of every player on this game, and you don't want that. If this is going to be added, ADD it in another server, not on this one.
neo alpha
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« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2008, 08:19:44 PM »

Sir Emi, I don't think anyone objects to this new update... it could be really cool actually. But don't make the mistake of implementing it on the current server after you've promised not to have rounds or resets. Going back on your word like that would set a dangerous precedent that no one wants. You'll lose the faith and trust of every player on this game, and you don't want that. If this is going to be added, ADD it in another server, not on this one.

to MSN
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 11:42:32 PM »

Sir Emi, I don't think anyone objects to this new update... it could be really cool actually. But don't make the mistake of implementing it on the current server after you've promised not to have rounds or resets. Going back on your word like that would set a dangerous precedent that no one wants. You'll lose the faith and trust of every player on this game, and you don't want that. If this is going to be added, ADD it in another server, not on this one.

This. I know we've got v100 Protects and such, but some of us (Myself at least) have BARELY tapped into the fun i predicted this game would be. I'll quit if this game resets. I'll play both if there are 2 servers. Call the Persistent server Faith and the New Server Revelation.
gs 059
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« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2008, 11:56:12 PM »

I really do not like the idea of resets, makes me think there is no reason to play if you are just going to sit there get up to a certain point, and than start all over again? if there was something more than just getting your name in the hall of fame I would like it though, also the two different server idea would be nice.

also, when it resets, does that mean your secure ftp dies also?

Jr. Member
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« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2008, 01:44:52 AM »

Hmm, am I missing something or are resets pretty much only going to happen by consensus?  Infected servers don't have defenses, so everyone can get in, and it only takes one person doing a disinfect every 6 hours (or more) to stave off the reset...

If so, I sort of like this.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 01:48:29 AM by Tiak » Logged
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« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2008, 01:58:16 AM »

If until 1th august Sir Emi don't make clear that he WON'T reset this actual world , i'll be quitting...

I am not looking for my achievments to be reseted like the crims or any other kind of stupid round-based game!

I will do about the same. But Ill wait until the actual reset. When a reset have occured I will not play this game any further no matter what. Its not funny to lose whatever youve acomplished. I still havent been able to achive my own goal yet and I wouldnt be too glad to see that its not enough time to do it. And I wont start again even if there is a server without resets because Ive lost my account and dont want to get a new one. Im good enough to play with file share so there will be some job to create a new account as good or better then this.

However its a fasinating update which I would support to a maximum on a server dedicated to a round based version of this game. Now you havent told us on the ingame profile that its roundbased so Ill disagree on this one.

My sweet Eleonore, show no fear,
for the fearful riders are all ear,
and they smell and tastes every tear.
But more importantly: They aren't here!
Therefore there is no reason to fear.
Not until they ride again, my dear.
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2008, 02:49:16 AM »

 I know for one thing, SGP will more than likely research Faith as high as we possibly can to stave off a reset.
gs 059
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« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2008, 03:44:56 AM »

I am with you there, if there is a link with all of the infected servers, I will be checking it at least 4 times a day.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2008, 06:03:29 AM »

I know for one thing, SGP will more than likely research Faith as high as we possibly can to stave off a reset.
I'll help you as much as I can. I don't care if I need to spend all my HPD in research.

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