Posts: 19
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2008, 08:33:33 PM » |
OK, maybe my tone of voice was a bit rude. I apologize for it. Did not want to offend anyone.
As for the persistent world. Because the game has a linear development tree (and exponential growth), there comes the point, when entering it will be totally pointless for new players (i.e. they will never be able to come close to the top players).
Cutting everything in 1/10 would be kind of pointless too, because the overall power ratios would remain.
A reset is a possibility, although I must admit that the benefits of being at the top are quite small for the revelation patch.
I don't really have an answer how to make this balanced. Still, what I like about this game is, that it is supposed to aim at least at semi-hacker attitude players. This means examining existing systems and searching for the best possible way to achieve the target.
Maybe the solution would be to make some saner targets for the game then just making level zillion+ software?
Well, I'll see how this will turn out. This is a game, and I'm here trying to relax and have some fun. And that is exactly what I will do one or the other way.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2008, 08:46:20 PM » |
Well... i cannot speak for the rest of my group, but if this new scenario comes to light i will make it my personal mission (it would actually be good to have one!) to make sure that this "Dooms Day" never occurs, even if i have to track EVERY single one of the players holding the revelation virus. I say this for one reason:
- Quite a few of us have put WAY too much time into this game for all our efforts to be just thrown in the trash and have to start again from scratch, this game takes a lot of patience and effort, and this is in no way any kind of reward, and cannot even be called an 'upgrade'.
Do not get me wrong, i like the initial concept of the idea, but i think a 'total' reset of every player's hardware & software etc is a little too much, its basically taking away one player's (speaking of the high end players around the top 20+) weeks (or maybe months) of hard work and determination in one fell swoop, think about it, in a 'real' doomsday, one would go into hiding from the effects, and in doing so would retain all their affects and gains while having the world around them brought to a restart, so to speak. So maybe just making the reset affect only the NPC servers would be a better idea? After all, losing all ones installed virii and having to find and re-crack all the servers is not so much of a big deal, but would be more realistic imo.
virus man
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2008, 08:51:30 PM » |
I have to say this. SGP will not allow "Dooms Day" to happen and will fully support any other group in the efforts of preventing it from happening.
That aside, there has to be some other way for the Hall of Fame. After all hitting the Hall of Fame just to have all the hard work ripped away from you makes the HoF as useless as the top ranking is.
DamascuS's idea is one of the best I have seen thus far. Have it destroy all of the NPC secret servers which would force all of us to reinfect servers and bring back the rat race of days gone past.
SGP is opening their forums for all. From now on all Tutorials and Help files that SGP releases will be available there. SGP's Forums. New World Order
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2008, 08:53:45 PM » |
he has a point........ i for one have put over a month of on/off playing into the game, NOW! as it is this is just like AP, a LOT of players are probably going to quit because of this, i hope you understand this emi, just like when AP was introduced, this is NOT the best of ideas......... i think with some refinement that this could be a good idea (as i stated in an earlier post) we also have to take into account just what players can DO with it, it would take 60 hours (or 2 1/2 days) to get a chain of revelations going, now, for a player in the top 10, thats no big deal, they can shoot down 10 disinfects at once no problem, and also install on a couple of their own servers, this is a limitation that is placed on the lower players who have only 1 good, full strength server
so can this PLEASe be the premier of the 2nd server instead of a killer for the 1st!!!!
sign the AP petition already!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2008, 09:16:53 PM » |
Hmmm. I like the idea of Revelation purging the public/secret servers; just a corollary to that: if they're all reset, to stop high level players getting the edge, perhaps there ought to be a universal IP change or something? That way, we really do have to go hunting through the logs again, just like in the good ol' days :P
And Noseedam, not to harsh on your post, but it shows a lack of thought and/or reading. Just for starters, higher level players COULD NOT install multiple copies of revelation; according to the guide, only one may be installed PER PLAYER, not server.
gs 059
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2008, 09:44:48 PM » |
^^ I agree with you about the ip changes. if that is what happens, than I would be very happy about this update.
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2008, 10:04:42 PM » |
0.o? that was per 6 hours........... ri?....................... well, i was putting idea out there, jus disregard it then
and yes, the i.p. change would be nice, and would make things much harder on this, but again, do this on THE NEW WORLD!!!!!!!! not the already established one
sign the AP petition already!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2008, 10:22:58 PM » |
Note to all: I will personally be creating a server with public faith files and they will be researched 24/7.
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2008, 11:42:29 PM » |
Maybe there will be a persistent HP server in the future, I don't have an ETA at this time.
All I know is that Revelation vs. Faith will be implemented and Doom's Day device will be available. We've always intended HP to have the Doom's Day device, it just wasn't ready at the start of the game.
If we are to have a persistent world it would require a larger player base to start off at the same time, or else the first people to play it and get ahead would not have any competition at all. A persistent world requires a high player base starting at the same time to become the elites and train the others that will follow.
The Hacker Project is just starting and you can consider it still under heavy development. I can assure you all updates / changes are for the long term good of the game.
We are following our Terms of Service that state: "Game updates. The Hacker Project reserves the right to change any aspect of the game without prior warning. If you do not agree with the rules, please close this window and do not enter the game!"
God Speed!
P.S.: There will probably be prizes at the end of each round, payed out in HP partner $ credit. The credit can be used to get Gold, convert into resources or payed out with paypal.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 11:44:59 PM by siremi »
gs 059
« Reply #39 on: August 24, 2008, 12:16:45 AM » |
P.S.: There will probably be prizes at the end of each round, payed out in HP partner $ credit. The credit can be used to get Gold, convert into resources or payed out with paypal.
yey, I like incentives...
« Reply #40 on: August 24, 2008, 02:07:58 AM » |
One thing I like more than incentives are people who do what they say they will, and don't do what they say they won't. Oh well.
« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2008, 03:58:19 AM » |
We are following our Terms of Service that state: "Game updates. The Hacker Project reserves the right to change any aspect of the game without prior warning. If you do not agree with the rules, please close this window and do not enter the game!"
Sure. Most games also have it in the ToS that you can not trade in-game items for Earth money. It doesn't stop it. We agreed that we were aware that you could change things without warning. You, however, gave us a means other than quitting to voice our opinions, and we are doing so. We are well aware that if you choose to go through with this, we may have to resort to that final option: to quit for good. It goes both ways. It appears as if much of the community would rather not see this, and with several of the critical groups saying that they will kill Revelation at all costs, even if you do implement this, it may never happen.
I hack games, not computers, in my life.
I'm NOT SGP, no matter how much I support them on the forums. Let me know if you play.
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2008, 09:06:18 AM » |
We are following our Terms of Service that state: "Game updates. The Hacker Project reserves the right to change any aspect of the game without prior warning. If you do not agree with the rules, please close this window and do not enter the game!"
Yes, we know it... The problem is that we don't expect a reset... And, if you read all the post, you know that more than 80% players would leave the game if you reset it. So, if that happens... If we are to have a persistent world it would require a larger player base to start off at the same time, or else the first people to play it and get ahead would not have any competition at all. There wont be a persistent world. You'll always get the same... People who left the game because they want to keep their progress. It's just my opinion...
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2008, 09:55:42 AM » |
If we are to have a persistent world it would require a larger player base to start off at the same time, or else the first people to play it and get ahead would not have any competition at all. A persistent world requires a high player base starting at the same time to become the elites and train the others that will follow. Do you think that losing the majority of the current player base will bring the end result of a larger playerbase? The fact that the pbase on this game is smaller doesn't mean you should neglect us, ignore our suggestions, and lie to us. When Blizzard does something like that with WoW, people don't have other options... there's only one WoW. Do you really believe you have the only online PHP game? There are literally thousands of other options, and there are options where people will actually be heard. The Hacker Project is just starting and you can consider it still under heavy development. I can assure you all updates / changes are for the long term good of the game. I do/did consider it under development... that was one of the benefits of the game! I was under the impression that the players would be able to help direct the future of the game through our suggestions and ideas (which you've now made abundantly clear is not the case). Tell me Sir Emi, how are donations doing since all these changes you've forced on us against our will? Have they skyrocketed and helped the game to grow? Or, have we stopped telling our friends about this game because of the developer who we feel ignores and abuses us? You may think you're doing this for the good of the game, but the game is a commodity; it's a product. Ultimately it doesn't matter how good the manufacturer believes his product to be, or even really how good it is... The only thing that matters is whether people want it. Do people want this game more because of your changes, or less? People will continue to use a product even after it ceases to meet their expectations, but only for a while. I think your time is running out... Even if people do play, 30 seconds in these forums will stop them from becoming a gold member or donating because they can see that this game doesn't have much of a future as things currently are. I'm not suggesting that you undo every decision you've ever made against our wishes... Leave in virus break, even though it's never used and the most hated application in the game. Leave in the AP system, even though it does little, if anything, to stop the strong players from getting stronger... But have a bit of common sense, LOOK THROUGH THIS THREAD and don't implement something that NO ONE IN THE GAME EXCEPT YOU WANTS. I don't care if you wait until after my auction ends. And yes, your announcement has basically killed it. Even though I won't be playing in a few hours, I'd still like to believe that the people who have played this game haven't wasted their time and money. No one wants to be told "screw off" by the developer of a game they like, and that's effectively what you're telling us. Give us a clear sign, Emi... If you want us to quit, just tell us "I want to make a game that (only) I enjoy, so d**n all the feedback I'm getting, I'm implementing this." If you want to keep your game running and, by extension, not waste the hundreds of hours of coding you've invested, then step up and admit this may be a good thing to implement someday, but that we aren't ready for it. All it takes is saying "Alright, I still want to implement this, but we're going to hold off until we have a playerbase that's actually ready." /endrant EDIT: One more thing to add - don't just ignore this post... it would be smarter of you to delete it if you don't intend to respond. That would prove once and for all that you don't care about any of your players or their opinions. Please, PLEASE respond, even if all you say is "I'll think about it" or "I don't agree with anything you've said." We need feedback, we need to feel like we're being heard.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 10:03:06 AM by Crlaozwyn »
gs 059
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2008, 10:11:45 AM » |
^^ I saw that you said there is only one wow, than said that this is not the only php game... well, there are other mmo's, and there is only one hacker project.....